He completed twenty years December 3, data that becomes fully historical in the world not only of the console. The Playstation
” The digital age -continuous the general manager- is changing greatly needs and the management of the fun. Today the games last 15 hours and let you save every thirty seconds. ” In past years, everything was less hectic, “Video games also lasted 100 hours and the save was every two or three levels.” And now there is the concept of sharing: “Like to see the capabilities, the contents are” sharano “to show to others. PlayStation on this is in line with the needs of today’s consumer. Share ago. “
On December 3, 1994 landed in stores Japanese PlayStation console with which Sony decided to launch itself in the gaming, creating the biggest phenomenon in the world of entertainment. In an era dominated by giants such as Sega, Nintendo and Atari, the choice made by a company long associated exclusively to VCRs, televisions and Walkman seemed incredible in 1994. But in just two decades and four generations of consoles, Sony created something never seen in the field, who has climbed the boundaries of simple game to get into the daily lives of millions of people.
A social phenomenon – In twenty years PlayStation has become synonymous with the game: not testifies only the use of the name as a term for a newspaper in any console or gaming activities (those who have never heard the classic “you’re not playing playstation mica” refers to those who try to do something impossible that you can only do in video games?), but also the use – and abuse – the stylized form of a joypad icon graphics of any type of entertainment. And yet the four symbols of the joypad: triangle, circle, square and ics, even in the years become the subject of works of art.
The future (not too far) is social – In the age of social and Sony does not stop sharing innovation and prove Share Play and Play Now. The first service will allow you to play with a friend without owning the physical copy of the game, but ‘coming into the console that is turning the game into a session by the maximum duration of one hour. The second was announced in 2012 and presented at CES 2014. It is nothing but a system that will allow you to use video games without having them physically, but stream. The cloud-gaming, based on the technology of Japanese Gaikai, also will play not only on consoles, but also on devices that are not strictly gaming: from Bravia televisions to tablets and smartphones.
“We currently operate in the United States, then in 2015 will land in Europe, in Britain. ” In Italy is still a mirage, the broadband infrastructure does not allow something like that. Yet, on this front, Sony seeks to stimulate the institutions. “We’re trying to get across a message: the videogame is culture, is an artist who creates, uses technologies such as those of films. Such a view – says the manager – if incentives could help the spread of broadband, which is needed to play online. Who in Europe has invested in this infrastructure, today sail in calm waters. “
Similarly, the Japanese company is also working on agreements with telephone operators” to make it clear how important it is for gaming the penetration of high-speed internet “, with the aim to give the end user a connection to the task.
With the arrival in Japan in 1994 and the following year on the US and European PlayStation quickly became established worldwide. Six years of domination in the field prepared the springboard for the launch in 2000 of the second generation, the PS2, unusual shapes and beautiful black monolith that during his’ career has shattered every record, reaching nearly 150 million units sold. Of six years in six years, in 2006 came the moment of nextgen by Sony, the PlayStation 3. Another round another record, with 80 million consoles sold, albeit with a bit more difficult than the two previous models, for problems related hardware and a couple of hacker attacks in 2010 which disclosed flaws in the firmware, then resolved with updates.
For the fourth generation, the PS4, it served to wait seven years between November 2013 and February of 2014, the latest addition to Sony came home on all markets, starting slowly to replicate the success of the three sisters in a sector that has become more competitive due to the strong presence of Microsoft and Nintendo historical. The secret of success – There is one thing that has allowed the PlayStation in 1994, to get such a big success. And Saletta has no doubts as to which is: “Luck is the use of physical media such as compact discs. Had never been used for such purposes. Developers could give life to their ideas and creativity when they have a huge space than the standards of the time. Furthermore -he concludes- have so many megabytes has allowed the use of true 3D in games, at the time when everything was flat, two-dimensional, “concludes the manager.

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