Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas tree real or fake? The pros and cons – Ecoo

christmas tree true or fake

Christmas tree real or fake ? Both solutions have the pro and against . For Christmas holidays is important to be aware of their consumption, so you have more chances to respect the environment. Even the choice of ‘ tree more ecological is relevant. Some people prefer to opt for a real tree. However in this case we must be careful that the plant is equipped with a certification appropriate, to ensure the plant another tree in the name of an environmental impact less severe. If we choose the fake tree, we can reuse it for the coming holidays and then give a hand to eco-sustainability, avoiding waste. We just have to see in a more specific advantages and disadvantages.

The real tree is biodegradable

true biodegradable tree

The real tree is composed of natural materials . Precisely for this reason they do not create any problem, when they are dispersed in the environment. After the Christmas holidays, we can also put it in our garden . If we can implant it has the roots, otherwise, if it is always biodegradable , will not cause any damage.

The real tree is grown especially for Christmas

 real tree grown

Another advantage of the tree’s true, it usually is a fir , is that generally these plants are grown specially for Christmas. Firs Italians in particular are derived from dedicated crops , which follow very strict environmental standards.

The real tree dirty

real tree dirty

E ‘Clearly, the real tree in the house and put decorated for the Christmas holidays can dirty because he drops on the floor dirt and needles.

The real tree becomes waste

 real tree waste

Unless you have a garden where rimpiantare l ‘ fir Christmas , if it has roots, after Christmas it becomes a refusal , which must be disposed of.

The tree fake you can reuse

fake tree reuse

If we choose a Christmas tree fake, we can reuse it year by year . This is an advantage, because not only save, but we can get by running .

The fake tree can be put anywhere

 fake tree anywhere

Unlike a true fir, the fake tree you can fix in any corner of the house. Not being a real plant , does not need a bright place and that is both fresh. From this point of view is much more practical.

L ‘ fake tree is plastic

fake plastic tree

Typically the fake tree is not made of biodegradable materials . If you decide to throw it, a problem as regards the opportunity to pay attention to environmental sustainability. Often artificial Christmas trees are made of Plastic , and with materials that are derived from petroleum and that prove highly polluting.

The fake tree is not zero kilometer

 fake tree kilometer zero

Often the fake trees are produced abroad, which are not at all zero kilometer . Need to transport long to be distributed for sale and determine, as a consequence, the release of large quantities of CO2 atmosphere. If we are conscious people to respect nature, we should remember that.


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