Written by Simone Ziggiotto, the 07/12/14
From the night of Friday, December 5, the alpha version of Cortana – the personal digital assistant Microsoft – becomes available on devices Windows Phone 8.1 in many other countries, including the ‘ Italy . The complete list of the countries concerned including: Italy, France, Germany and Spain.
The fact that it is a version of “alpha” means that the development of Cortana is still in the initial phase and “therefore does not offer the same features and the same level of quality that ensure a beta version, “says Microsoft.
Microsoft said it had decided to make available an alpha version of Cortana in these four European countries to offer developers the opportunity to” contribute thereby to raising models voice recognition and interaction. ” In fact, the greater the use of Cortana in each language, the better the service we can offer Cortana.
Microsoft invites so users who choose to install the alpha version of Cortana’s share feedback on this personal digital assistant, feedback shared by UserVoice or via the link Share feedback about Cortana in the bottom of the homepage Cortana.
Talk to her and Cortana help you make a lot of Windows Phone 8.1, how to make calls, remember to go to the laundry, responds on scores of games, stock prices or general knowledge questions. Can also chat with us. Microsoft promises that Cortana would understand as “a person with whom would you talk normally. If Cortana is not sure what you mean, will help you find the way to say things in a way that she can understand.”
In addition, Microsoft announced the availability of the new APIs for developers that want to integrate their applications with Cortana.
To begin to use and test Cortana today, you must enroll in the program Windows Phone Developer Preview .
Today, Cortana is available for the American market, in English and Chinese version is in beta and alpha version in India, Canada and Australia. To this list must be added from December 6 Italy, France, Germany and Spain.

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