Friday, November 18, 2016

Microsoft is celebrating 15 years of the Xbox – Want …

Xbox, in the day of yesterday, has the task 15 ann. The console of the house of Redmond has, therefore, reached an important milestone is dotted with successes and innovation. It was, in fact, the November 15, 2001 when he was presented the first Xbox that would soon revolutionized the market of videogames. Redmond would want to give its users a new and innovative product and actually at the time the first Xbox hit for some technical elements, such as the internal hard drive, and network connectivity.

the Xbox was one of the first console to have an online service dedicated that we all know today as the Xbox Live. The first Xbox was offering, also, important performance for the time and the only thing I liked less was the controller judged by many to be rather "big". To contribute to the success of the console were also the first major titles that allowed players to get their hands on products that are extremely innovative for the time, for graphics and gameplay. The rest is history, after the original Xbox arrival l'Xbox 360 and then the current Xbox One. The future called, instead, the Xbox Scorpio, a console which should allow Microsoft to return to offer a product much more ahead of the competition.

To celebrate 15 years of its console, Microsoft has pitted some curious facts about using the Xbox in all these years. In all this time the players were well 222.468.423, while the hours spent playing 100.539.390.670. The hours that, instead, the players have spent in multiplayer have been 29.000.304.183.

For the Xbox were, therefore, years of success-and the future looks even more convincing thanks to the arrival of the Xbox Scorpio which should debut by the end of 2017.


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