Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Donald Trump, the embarrassment of the Silicon Valley – Want …

"Make America Great Again", and Donald Trump has become President of the United States. Between the embarrassment of many. Of those who believed that the endorsement had decisive weight, those who have believed that colonize Twitter were enough, and of those who are entrusted with the analysis of the Silicon Valley, and those who never doubted of Big Data and social networks siding with the Clinton.

In one night everything has changed and there is awakening with a new awareness: it’s much more complex than the media have not told you in the last few months. And democracy has streets his own, often inscrutable, but are, however, based on the freedom of expression, the freedom of choice. But the path that leads to this choice has the said things, it has left wounds. Now we have to ricucirle and Trump has pointed out since the first speech by the new President. If many of the wounds are on the skin of Hillary Clinton, at the same time, the transfiguration of wounds that more than 40% of US citizens regard as their own: those who opposed Trump, who has considered to be a rogue, who he considered unworthy, the person who has been stigmatized as a pop-up in a race-free alternative to the victory of the Democrats.

the wound seems to bleed more than others: it is that of Silicon Valley. The world of technology has never been at the centre of attention of Trump, in fact, and when Trump talked about the tones that you have never been sweet. But now the "commander-in-chief", he is and in reality the "cancel" button is not provided: in democracy it is better to resolve the bug with the dialogue, because the CTRL+ALT+Delete, are too traumatic to be a valid option.

From the words of Trump has leaked on several occasions a congenital distrust of the world of new technologies. A relationship, in fact, mutual mistrust, that it never took off and has never seen the commitment of the parties to a reconciliation. And while Trump went to the immigration center, the Silicon Valley tried to make a common front to try to figure out how to halt the advance of the tycoon. It is all useless. Not only that: while Trump went elsewhere of its attention, the technology fell back like a boomerang on the head of Hillary Clinton through the scandal of the email private on Yahoo, if that could have made the difference during the frenzied final stages of the election campaign.

the Silicon Valley sorridesse to the Clinton thing was blown: hot and passionate endorsement had come from all parts, the big were all lined up and it leaked even the hypothesis that Tim Cook and Bill Gates were evaluated as potential vice-presidents. Trump, for his part, has ignored the sector and has pulled straight, resisting to bush every time the Silicon Valley tried to get in the way: Apple you received a "who do you think you be?" for failing to open their servers to the FBI, and Trump has also criticized the collaboration with China motivated by the need to margin more to the costs of the occupation on american soil; the Facebook has suffered from the controversy of their editor relative to trend topics (hypothetically) manipulated against the cause of Trump (after that Zuckerberg had openly spoken out against Trump, a few months before); Google has not been from less, and it is put across by the voice of Sundar Pichai ; Jeff Bezos, who against Trump has thrown his Washington Post, it is felt to give the monopolist and now it will not find the road easy with your Amazon. If you add to this the outcry on Net Neutrality, against Edward Snowden and on cyberwar, emerges the picture of a antiteticità congenital between two distant worlds and the different, with a few things in common, and with so many potential points of friction.

However, Trump explained it clearly: he wants to be the President of all. Not only that, is expected by the counterparties, the ideas on which to return to building an america together. Trump tends the hand: I hardly met with enthusiasm at all, but from all claims collaboration because all of the offers. Between the US President and Silicon Valley now open the crucial months in which the parties are forced to talk to each other and to understand each other. To the front there is a cold war digital combat, and Trump is the one who has defended Russia for a long time from the allegations of the cyberspionaggio turning the accusations to China: with the big names of the technology will be able to find points in common on which to build the defense of the technological infrastructure in the presence of the cracker state oriental? The character who was opposed to the release of ICANN from the hegemony of the USA will now have to lead the army digital t hat it must protect the information and networks american: you will find the necessary support in the army that the will of aggravated murder in this difficult battle?

The slap of the election has arrived and has heard all over the world. The USA find themselves divided, but the call of the Clinton and the address of Trump have immediately begun to unite the people around the flag. Under these formalisms, there are dynamics to rebuild after a tear is deep and wide, which lasted a whole campaign.

Without forgetting that today PRODUCTION is no longer Barack Obama (the President, who invited the Silicon Valley to dinner at the White House, which has 2.9 million followers on Facebook, and 11.4 on Twitter), but Donald Trump, the President-elect that the Silicon Valley has not shared that meme. Does not matter who is follower and who is not: the reality has shown how social networks are a beautiful thing, but it can delineate only the apparent size, circumscribed, parallel, mediated. Suggestive as you want, but in the seats you go by yourself: newspapers, influencers, pollsters and retweets remain outside. It’s called democracy, it is a complex thing and fine, and the algorithms are not yet ready to understand it all.


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