Saturday, November 12, 2016

Facebook, announces for error the death of 2 million users. And also Zuckerberg – The Republic

For a “terrible mistake”, as defined by the same social network, Facebook has listing in mourning the profiles of approximately two million users, still life, fueling a wave of messages of mourning and a time of anguish for friends and relatives of the unwitting victims, who have posted messages and videos in real-time to prove he is still alive and well. The fake death has hit the same founder of the platform, Mark Zuckerberg, whose profile is appeared a message in his memory.

“For a short period of time and was posted on some accounts, a message in memory of some users. It was a terrible error that we have now resolved. We are really sorry for what happened and we tried to solve as soon as possible”, this is the message of apology to the company.

In these hours, at the top of the profile of different users, there appeared a message that invited him to remember and he urged the people to “share and celebrate the moments of life” of the disappeared. It immediately took the tam-tam, which at first has fed messages of mourning and a time of anguish for friends and relatives of the unsuspecting victims, who then have posted messages and videos in real-time to prove he is still alive and well.

“Damnation, I had to use Facebook Live to prove that I was not Facebook Dead,” wrote a user. The fake death has hit the same founder of the social network, Mark Zuckerberg, whose profile is appeared a message in his memory. And in the network is promptly circulated the photo of his account in mourning.

The initial confusion is then replaced with the irony. “Facebook is looking for the killer”, “Who says you can’t communicate with the dead?”, they wrote on Twitter on some users. And there is also someone who has joked about the presidential election, talking of the people who died on Tuesday, with the victory of the republican Donald Trump. An error, to Facebook, which arrives in a few hours by the criticism rained upon to the social from some of the media for their ‘favourite’ Trump presidential elections.

The message in the memory of the deceased was introduced by Facebook in 2015, after a certain number of cases in which family members had requested access to the social accounts of their loved ones disappeared. Users can choose to turn their account into a memorial page after their death, where ‘friends’ can leave messages and share memories. The alternative is to decide that the account is deleted after the death. The more savvy speculate it was not a technical problem but a promotional test of the function put in place by the company.

death users
mark zuckerberg
donald trump

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