Saturday, November 19, 2016

Facebook against the news false, Zuckerberg said: “There is still much to do” – The Republic

NAILED by the facts, the number one Facebook admits that the war on false and tendentious news is just getting started. There is still a lot to do and the “plan of attack” of the social network is entrusted to a post signed by Mark Zuckerberg in person, in which – in addition to admit to have scarce ammunition to cope with the avalanche of “fake” camouflage themselves among the news “truthful” conveyed, the founder does know that Menlo Park is working on a better system of detection against the “misinformation”. A nice about-turn for mr. Zuck, in substance, with respect to the statements mad e in the aftermath of the controversial election of the new president Donald Trump, due in large part – according to the most critical – not only from a controlled social by the tycoon, but also to the inability of Facebook (aside from Twitter and Reddit) in the filter content unreliable, able to move public opinion and lead it up to the polls.

A real “avalanche” of the buffaloes that the reader can hardly distinguish, having regard to the numbers. This was demonstrated in a recent report on BuzzFeed about how in the last few months, the false news of elections are able to overcome (in terms of interactions: share, reactions, and comments) to the most important news of the moment spread from sites of information credible. Stories “viral”, but unfortunately little or nothing to do with reality. As happened for several direct video, some of the most followed Facebook Live of the past months, turned into nothing but old movies online put and passed off as a stream.

In truth, in the past few days has already raised a wall of defence against the enormous size of the buffalo that are in the social network, the resonance is perfect, especially in a climate of pre-election. Game by Google, guilty of delivering a high percentage of links to all the fake quality of the first search engine in the world, the crusade against the lies – according to the rumors a few days ago – was the date for the game, even in the headquarters of Menlo Park, with a task force created ad hoc. Despite the alarm was tripped, Zuckerberg had, however, defended the results of his platform, stating that 99% of the contents were considered to be mostly true. Yesterday evening, the change of gear, as to say: we are in full emergency.

In the post, Zuckerberg explains the strategy of Fb against the “misinformation”, starting from a “vigilance is more careful”, also thanks to the use of technologies that allow us to recognize cases in which the same users to catalog the news as a fake, by flagging the content as false news. Therefore, making easier the procedure to the users themselves who will indicate one of them as not trusted. Then, comes the chapter “verification”, on which Zuck claims to have invested in the forces and want to do even better.

there will even “alerts” that allerteranno users who are likely to encounter in the news false. To deal with them, you know Zuckerberg will be a “third party” for the large community of blue, signaling that the subscribers read and share the content in question. The same vigilance will be made on the choice of related links, in the name of quality: so the News Feed will no longer be able to “mislead” the readers to the lande, the most desolate of misinformation. The other ground thorny that the social will have to face will be that of the false news of the economy driven by the “spam financial” which Fb claims to give up willingly, while providing transparent information.

Finally, the team of Facebook will continue – it is the law in the post – to work with journalists and not only to understand the mechanisms that govern the fact-checking. In short, even if it is not given us to know in details how and with whom the employees of Facebook will work together to achieve these results, it is also true that now the commitment has been made. And even the admission of guilt and puts the user in the social network with the possibility that the news conveyed by the system are not necessarily true, indeed. And this helps to make a little bit of clarity on what it is better not to trust everything that is popular on Facebook and that is often taken for true just because so many have shared.

social network
news from buffalo
news feeds
the presidential elections usa 2016
mark zuckerberg
donald trump

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