Thursday, October 27, 2016

MacBook Pro without an Esc key? We think the Sierra – Want …

just a few hours to discover all the news related to the MacBook Pro, the new laptop professional Apple could present this evening, on the occasion of the event "Hello Again". In the meantime, however, many users seem to wonder about a feature that’s anything but go unnoticed, at least by the images of the device found in macOS Sierra. The new computer, in fact, are free of the ESC key, replaced by a bar of a touch screen and OLED. But how can you miss a key so important, especially for emergency operations, such as force quit?

The concern is perhaps injudicious, because the features of the new MacBook Pro, as well as the operation of the bar OLED, are not known in detail. Yet, the question is more than legitimate: how to perform some functions, including theforce quit from your applications, in the absence of the ESC key? This function, often life-saving, it requires to press the keys ESC, CMD and ALT.

A forgetfulness so serious, it appears entirely unlikely, especially from the parts of Cupertino, with a company that is always very attentive to details. I do not exclude, therefore, that the functions of the ESC key to be performed by the same Magic Toolbar. Alternatively, the california-based company may have provided a new combination of the physical buttons to achieve the same results in use today on the traditional keyboards of the Mac.

In the meantime, as well as stresses to 9to5Mac, a help may come from the same macOS Sierra, in its latest update to version 10.12.1. Within the options of the operating system, in fact, Apple has added the ability to assign the functions of ESC to any other element of the physical keyboard, thus eliminating any discomfort. This is a novelty certainly connected to the new MacBook Pro, considering how the previous versions of the software allow you to remap only the keys caps Lock, Control, Alt, and CMD. To access the function in question, after you update Sierra to the latest version, simply move the item "Keyboard" of the "System Preferences", opt for the option "Modifier Keys" and define the features according to their needs.


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