Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hajime Tabata: “The story is the most important thing in a Final Fantasy game” –

After ten years of waiting, Final Fantasy XV is ready for the international launch, which will happen simultaneously all over the world, the 29th November for Playstation 4 and XBox One. A long process, not without difficulties, started with the announcement of the game as a spin-off of Final Fantasy XIII with the title Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and only then, given its size, converted to XV.

The game designer Hajime Tabata, a guest at Lucca Comics & Games 2016, has been shown to know well as the new fans should wait for this new chapter of the saga, and in the opening of the press conference showed the dedication of the initial game, which reads: "Dedicated to the fans and to the new friends of Final Fantasy". Tabata promises that Final Fantasy XV will return the series to its former glory after the welcome cold of the Final Fantasy XIII (which even had two sequels), and reveals to us that the inspiration of the game comes from a long journey in Italy which he made to twenty years, of which we find traces in the environment (an entire city is modelled on Venice) and in the centrality of food as a moment of rest, and aggregation.

While still providing many of the details of specific, technical, Tabata has not failed to remember that it is the storytelling to be really important in a Final Fantasy. We chose to focus on this in a short interview.

Normally Final Fantasy are the projects wrapped in great secrecy, the team works on behind closed doors. This time, however, having shown early in the first trailer of Versus XIII, you have found work the doors open. This has changed your way of working?

"Quite a bit, especially because we were aware of the fact that some were waiting for Versus XIII, the other of FFXV. The fact of having announced early in the game put us under pressure, made us feel observed, it was a new experience and a bit tiring. Working in this way, however, I realized something important: the video game is not an object of mine, even if I am the designer, is of the player. From the beginning to the end, is always his".

another feature of Final Fantasy XV is that at some point the development team (the first led by Tetsuya Nomura) has completely changed. How much of the story had been made up to that time, and as it is been kept?

"the change of The team took place in the time in which the project Versus XIII became FFXV. The basic idea of the game was growing more and more, and it seemed right to aim at a wider audience can only be reached by a new main chapter. From the spin-off, Versus was designed to expand the mythology at the base of the Final Fantasy XIII. That whole part was set aside and replaced by the heart of a new history, that is, the links: those of a group of friends together for a trip, but also between a father and a son. This was the real addition, that is crucial."

What is the weight of the story and of the characters in the success – including commercial – of a Final Fantasy?

"The story is the most important thing, ever. Nothing has the same centrality, in this saga. The game is built around the story and the gameplay is created later, thinking about how to transmit it to its maximum potential. Of course, depending on the moments of the game, it is possible that the balance will change and that certain sections have more emphasis on the action, but this is normal. With Final Fantasy XV, we first established the general line of the story, focusing on the atmosphere and asking us: what is the experience we want to give the player? Subsequently, concretizzandone the details, it was also the game system. From that point on, the two things go in parallel".

I don’t know if in Japan is the same, but in the West the saga of Final Fantasy is extremely popular among players and women, you are aware of? Keep in mind, in the development phase?

"The thing I care the most is create games universal that can excite everyone, without distinction of sex, age, ethnicity, or culture. So yes, I am aware of the interest of the players, and makes me very happy, but I do not make choices of the kind, working, not even of the male gender".

starring in Final Fantasy XV are all guys and this was not the case from the beginning of the saga, in the early Eighties. What it tells us about the only woman so far presented, Lunafreya?

"We tried not to think of her as all the'single woman, it would have been unfair and it was not our intention to "exploit" in this sense. Basic, Final Fantasy XV speaks of a male friendship, but we believe that the topic may fascinate equally men and women. On the other hand, we wanted the main feature of Lunafreya was his independence. Many of the heroines of the Final Fantasy earlier had to be protected, for one reason or another. Lunafreya is a figure more strong, because we wanted to reflect the reality. Today women are much stronger than how they appeared years ago, when it began the saga. I have traveled all over the world and I have never met a woman weak. If anything, the opposite is true. Women are much stronger than the men".


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