Saturday, November 14, 2015

Snoopy scrap space back to Earth and burns ocean – TecnoAndroid


Snoopy wreck

Snoopy has returned to earth. The junk was going to add up to the space debris , or the space debris around the Earth’s orbit, and was expected yesterday.

So it was. Not long in coming Snoopy, taken from aerial images of researchers at NASA, the European Space Agency and Space Agency of the UAE. The pursuit of scrap and its luminous trail for a few very similar to that of a comet, has been instrumental in gathering data on the composition of the materials it is made.

Snoopy for “friends” , WT1190F for science. His “identity” is still to be seen, but there are clues that would confirm his connection with a truly historic mission. The wreck space, in fact, would be connected to some researchers of the form of ‘ Apollo 10 , Snoopy precisely, the NASA mission launched in 1969 to test the landing maneuver.

The return of space objects on our planet it is customary for some years now. Especially those with particularly eccentric orbit. The aim of the scientists is just to test the procedures to be followed in similar cases in opportunities for space missions. Thus, during the morning yesterday, Snoopy did return at 07:19 (Italian time) burning upon contact with the atmosphere above the Indian Ocean, about 100 kilometers south of the coast of Sri Lanka. No danger, therefore, for the populated areas of the region.


When you know it is WT1190F color sull’arancione , has a shape attributable to that of a drum and is some three meters for a weight of 10 tons. This space debris is news from February 2013 and so far has been followed by engineers at NASA, in collaboration with the ESA and the International Astronomical Center in Abu Dhabi.

Small curiosity: the module Snoopy named in honor of the famous little dog drawn by Charlie Brown, which instead has been named the command module.



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