Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Scott Kelly was wrong, it was not a UFO but Topo Gigio – Italian News

Submitted on November 25, 2015 for Philadelphus in Current // 0 Comments

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Scott Kelly is an American astronaut who for more than six months is leading an international space mission. The only illuminated the station, therefore, was reminiscent of a flying saucer. No flying saucer, at least for now. Ufologists are disappointed, but the photo is beautiful anyway “astronaut Scott Kelly photographed a UFO from the International Space Station and has published a photo on Twitter.” Scott Kelly is an American astronaut who for more than six months is leading an international space mission. In conjunction with its 233-th day mission , the astronaut Scott Kelly as it flew over the ‘ India to four kilometers high, and at a speed of nearly 29,000 kilometers per hour, it took a picture that made around the web as in the shot ufologists have immediately noticed the presence of an alleged unidentified flying object, in short, to all the effects of a UFO .

In fact the photo at first glance it may seem that in the upper right there is just a flying saucer, but reality question of a buffalo beautiful and good as it would like to believe that Topo Gigio can move by itself as it has been highlighted on IlMessaggero.it. In practice no question of a UFO, , but the reflection of a part of the same spacecraft .

In particular, to ‘unmask’ the UFO was the professor of astrophysics Ethan Siegels in the state that a part of the High-Definition Earth Viewing ( Hev ), while all the remaining equipment were in the dark, did nothing that reflect sunlight generating the effect seen in the photograph taken by Scott Kelly in his 233-th day mission, and then posted on the social network Twitter .

Just to give more insights The offending picture was taken about 400 km above the Earth, over India, while the vehicle was passing at a speed of 28,800 kilometers per hour, in the presence of conditions that make possible the realization of a true photographic masterpieces, easily exchangeable for UFOs, even if only from a point of view related to etymology and linguistic spheres. The strange object that appeared in the photo of Kerry, in fact, had all the appearance of a UFO or rather, not having the appearance of any of that knowable had been pigeonholed into the category of space objects not identified.

Meanwhile, the ‘ astronaut Scott Kelly, reached its 241-th day of international space mission, from his official account on Twitter (StationCDRKelly) continues to post every Daily great photos of our planet day and night.


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