Sunday, November 29, 2015

Rome and Milan city surreal and apocalyptic in the drawings of the WWF – TecnoAndroid


 WWF city surreal

Rome and Milan devastated by a scenario desertified. While Pisa and Venice submerged by the waters of the sea. This is the view suggested nothing less than the WWF and a series of images that can not help but give food for thought.

In general, we tend to associate doomsday scenarios in cities like New York and London. But the Climate Change and its possible consequences will invest across the planet. Sure, views related to the symbol of a city, as it can be for the Colosseum in Rome or the Empire State Building for the Big Apple arouse more appeal in the observer the creations of photographers and artists.

And it is perhaps This is the challenge launched by the WWF. A kind of sensiblizzazione taking in the sight of the observer that could be envisaged in a not too distant future. All this in a real project, whose slogan is “ Save the Humans, Save the Climate! .”

What are the causes of climate change

If there is much talk. The search for causes and their solution. Main suspects fossil fuels. The pollution of the cities where we live are a “happy” as exhaustive example. And, despite the great pains to remedy this, the greenhouse gas emissions they would be increasing. The pace with which they are doing is also harmful, given their terrifying speed.

The disasters will spill over our heads in the form of sea level rise, but also of heat waves that will only that increased droughts and, however, also floods. Storms and hurricanes would, therefore, on the agenda. A hurt everywhere, millions of people, entire ecosystems and many species of animals.

The project “City surreal”

The WWF project, therefore, is really to “tell” the future cities such as Rome, Venice, Pisa and Milan. We show examples of perspective in the images of photographers chosen for this initiative. That merits consideration. By each of us.



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