Friday, November 27, 2015

Climate change, WWF: artistic creations of city surreal to think about the possible consequences – News Free


Rome, November 27, 2015 – Climate Change that is undergoing our planet should make us reflect on the possible consequences that may occur, to meet in the near future to a world that could not be more as we know it today, with the city flooded and under water.



That’s why the WWF has decided to launch a provocation with the artistic creations showing four Italian cities, Rome, Milan, Pisa and Venice , in a surreal and sometimes apocalyptic future in an ecosystem totally transformed.

Fossil fuels are polluting our life and our city, it underlines the WWF Italy, which is why it decided to “launch, during the COP21 in Paris, two sets of images for social media. The first consists of four images of ‘Surreal City’: a provocation, not a scientific scenario, a way to reflect on the distortion of our most beloved and recognized. The creations show Rome and Milan desertified and inhospitable habitats of wild animals become disoriented. Pisa and Venice are represented largely submerged by the seas, without the usual horde of curious tourists but with a surreal silence, filled with water in a surreal calm where there are human beings. “

The danger It is that continue to ignore the solution without intervening, in a future we really find ourselves in this condition (maybe less spectacular), but the planet is suffering and disasters, and the torrential rains in recent years have a strong signal.

In addition to these “artistic provocation”, the WWF has commissioned two cartoons on the future that we risk leaving our children, because even the irony can help everyone to reflect, but also to act.

The graphics of “Surreal City” is Cynthia Mace – Set Designer, Graphic Designer; while realizing the cartoons of James Cardelli – Cartoonist.

Meanwhile, Sunday, Nov. 29, at the opening of the Paris Summit that will bring together all the world leaders for a new climate agreement, there will be a mobilization that includes over 2,300 events in more than 150 nations to ask the governments to stop the fever of the planet.


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