Monday, November 23, 2015

Internet 44% of Italians it deems necessary as electricity and gas – TecnoAndroid


 Italian internet

The Internet is now part of our daily life and are exchanged billion data network, allowing people to carry out transactions or inquire easily and fast.

A study carried out in recent days it shows that the Italians are increasingly internet dependent, in fact, 44% confirms the need to have an always-on connection and considers one of the basic needs such as water, electricity and gas. Respondents also state that would do less than other primary commodities rather than give up the Internet.

The research covered a more than 2000 people about digital skills and services on the network. For 44% of the Italian connection it is essential and without it you feel lost and excluded from the rest of the world. Ourselves when we are not data line because of a malfunction or other reasons devise alternative remedies or tempestiamo our service provider with thousands of calls to restore service and fill the lack of emptiness that we feel subconsciously.

51% of the people surveyed, internet, is the means by which Italy can start economically thanks to e-commerce sites on the national territory. 41% think that the internet can really improve the quality of life.

mobile is even more essential to the fixed network because every day we use to connect on social networks and through WhatsApp.

It’s not all that glitters is gold

Unfortunately, our country still lags behind in this respect and 40% confirmed not to use the network in the last three months while 41% say they do not have enough skills to navigate. 35% do not really know the network, while a full 14% agreed that they were well enough really.

The research carried out by SWG between 9 and November 11, 2015 of 2,000 people put to light that although Italy is first in Europe for number of services eGovernment yet few people are able to use the network to perfection and still prefer pen and paper.

Also the data show that 30 % of Italians are favorable to use in schools whiteboards and tablet. 29% also saw the Internet as a source for new jobs.



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