Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Google launches Android Pay – Wired.it

At Mobile World Congress, Sundar Pichai, senior vice president of Google, is launching a new platform for mobile payments and throws barbs to former friends Cyanogen

 Sundar Pichai at Mobile World Congress 2015 (Photo: Maurizio Pesce / Wired)

(Photo: Maurizio Pesce / Wired)

Barcelona ” Many people take for granted the connectivity, we can not even complain to the slowness of Wi-Fi, but we are all very lucky: There are 4 billion people worldwide who lack access to the Internet : Sundar Pichai, Google’s product manager spoke at Mobile World Congress for the first time, to talk about the Internet and Google services that make it so important. “The Mobile World Congress is a great stage to talk about what we do, in order to understand the global scale” . And everything that Google does, today, should be seen in mobile key, to be seen by widening the horizons of up to watches, with Android Wear, the TV and the cars, cars with Android, through to virtual reality, “a sector expansion that is doing very reliant on Android for its development “.

In this picture, there are also situations in which Google does not seem to be welcome. This is the case of Cyanogen: the development community would subtract the modified version of Android to the control of Mountain View, with the help of Microsoft and Amazon. “Cyanogen? Do not know him well, “, said Pichai, questioned on the issue by Brad Stone of Bloomberg Businessweek. “I know you are working on a version of Android without Google services, services that people need: I do not see value in their offer, although innovation is always welcome” . He had done even Nokia, launching the X series, right here in Barcelona, ​​a year ago. But in that case, Google had not made the big voice, as also has always glossed over, so far, on the same conduct by Xiaomi.

Still on the subject of innovation, Pichai confirmed separation services related to Google + : Photos and Hangouts will be treated as independent products within the next few months, leaving in the background the social aspect that so far he had not met with the expected success anyway.

Returning to the cabinet, it will be added Android Pay : “Mobile payments are the theme of the year and will offer a service and related API to develop because anyone can develop its solution based on Android. For a user, the mobile payment services are not competing. Android Pay, Pay Samsung, Apple Pay: you can use all “. Even Google Wallet will be resized and will live within Android Pay.

Pichai also confirmed that Google has launched a study with AT & T and Verizon, but he did it to evaluate the offer a service of virtual telephone operator: “The development of our products and services needs to evaluate both hardware, software and connectivity: what we’re working on it you will see in the coming months” .

On the other hand, had mentioned just before, entering the stage of the main auditorium, when it comes to mobile phones not only talking about , but of powerful computers connected to the cloud, then that is where resides – and intervenes – Google. Just think of Google Translate, the tip of the iceberg of Google services: “People use it to make 1 billion a day translations” . Every month you spend 10 million hours on the phones, the latest Black Fdiray 40% of purchases were made on the mobile. “And Android is driving this trend, offering products in every price range, from lowest to highest,” , the tablet from $ 50 last Samsung Galaxy S6. 8 every 10 phones sold are Android” .

But Google is not produced, is especially connectivity, and Mountain View are busy to solve the problem and create access to the Internet for everyone in the city, with Google Fiber, and in rural areas, with Project Loon: “A project started four years ago as an experiment: then we could keep them in flight barely three days, are now on for six months, “. Party to bring 3G, the project has already passed LTE and recorded questions of use even in areas with less coverage of the United States, as well as Australia. There is also a third project that Google is working, and is Project Titan, which involves the use of drones. Ideas – and acquisitions – which overlap with those of Facebook, which is leading the mobile Internet in Africa, South America and the Middle East with Internet.org. “And we would be happy to work with Facebook, but we do different things. Let’s say you take part in their project for us is accessory “.

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