Friday, June 12, 2015

Right to be forgotten, for France Google must delete the results in … – The Republic

PARIS – Google will delete the results of research in the world, when he accepted the request of users who want to be “forgotten” by the search engine , and not only in the European versions of the website. This is the decision of the French data protection (CNIL, Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés). If Google will not do it within 15 days, the commission will launch a process that could lead to economic sanctions and increasing pressure on the American giant hi-tech.

In May of last year, the European Court of Justice had established that European citizens are entitled to the right to oblivion on the web: can ask search engines to remove the results of the search for their name, when they are old, irrelevant or containing insults and hatred. Big G argued that it should only apply the judgment in the context of its European domains, as or France is the first country in which they envisage possible sanctions against Google, although the powers of Clin are limited. May impose fines of up to 150 thousand euro.

“We have worked hard to find the right balance in implementing the provisions of the judgment of the European Court of Justice – says a spokesperson for Google – by working closely with the authorities for data protection. The judgment is focused on services for European users and this is the approach that we are following in respect “.

search engines
right to be forgotten
personal information


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