Thursday, June 18, 2015

Apple seeks journalists for the news service – The Messenger

In the world of “fast” of digital information, where someone tries to make news by an algorithm, the human element still seems to count for something. It is demonstrated precisely those giants of the web which, although meaning of software and artificial intelligence in the publishing industry choose to supplement a brainy computer a journalist in the flesh.

is the path taken by Apple – but not only – for its application News is forming a team of “editor” ad hoc basis in California. Apple News is one of the innovations introduced by the company last week at the Conference of the developers: an app coming in the fall with the iOS operating system 9 (initially in the US, UK and Australia) and that will offer users a selection of news in collaboration with large international publishing companies in a format suitable for use “mobile”.

The service apparently will not be limited to aggregate content with an algorithm as Flipboard: Apple has placed an advertisement for recruit editors with at least 5 years experience and journalistic training “that help to identify and disseminate the best content regarding local news, national and global.” Among the tasks it is to “be able to recognize the original material and engaging that it could hardly be identified by an algorithm.” In short, a way to focus on quality and differentiation.

The creation of a team of journalists to heed the service, marks the willingness of Apple to distance itself from competitors such as Flipboard and Facebook Instant Articles , which are based more on algorithms to ‘decide’ what news propose. Apple’s approach instead follows the one chosen by Yahoo! for News Digest, the product launched last January and made by a team. And before Instant Articles, Facebook has tried to conquer the publishing industry with the app Paper proposes that selected news with a mix of algorithm and journalists.

Google on the supply of news is not a rookie and its latest move is Digital News Initiative, an investment of 150 million Euros over three years to promote innovation in digital journalism. One way, perhaps, to overcome the model ‘aggregator Google News. Finally, snapchat, chat service for so-called “disposable”, has recently announced the recruitment of journalists to tell the upcoming US elections.

             Tuesday, June 16, 2015, 22:29 – Last Updated: June 18, 17:30


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