A week after the launch, the app of Twitter for live streaming Periscope is full of fans beyond the direct link to the rival meerkat, more ‘old’ a month. According to the counter online Topsy, the weekend debut of direct links to the Periscope shared on microblog reached almost 100 thousand share, with a real peak on Saturday (51 thousand), representing a net overtaking tweets with links to direct on Meerkat.
“We are thrilled that the welcome Periscope received,” says Salvatore Ippolito, country manager of Twitter Italy, “what you can already see, a week after its launch, is that the ‘audience is very diverse and creative. Periscope in this sense it is very similar to Twitter. Twitter is, in video: live, conversational and public. “
In Italy the reception was the best, with testimonial as Fiorello and Jovanotti between so-called “early adopters” and numerous experiments in progress, the editorial offices (such as La Stampa and Republic) to the radio (from Radio24 Radio Deejay), parties (the intervention of Renzi direction Pd on Monday went on Periscope). And with its first phenomena, such as the singer Lidia Schillaci who with his live has also been noted as a bible of information technology as Mashable.
The app will also serve to convey the homily of the Mass of Easter morning, celebrated in the Cathedral by the Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Angelo Scola.
The phenomenon has the potential to not be a fad. Is convinced Mario Morcellini, pro-rector of the Communication from the University La Sapienza, which states that “if the TV was considered a window on the world, with Periscope is like having the walls of their own lives in transparency”.
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