Saturday, April 4, 2015

Periscope determine the success of streaming and web threat … – TGCOM

– Great success for the live streaming via smartphone as evidenced by the boom of the app launched by Twitter, Periscope. The budget of the first week of live video via mobile phone is more than positive: according counter online Topsy, the weekend debut direct links to shared almost reached 100 thousand share, peaking on Saturday (51 thousand), scoring overtaking on tweets with links to direct the rival meerkat.

Periscope determine the success of streaming web and threatens Meerkat

Following the links to Periscope totaled on a daily average of about 17 thousand, while traveling on Meerkat almost 12 thousand, about half as much as in the previous week totaled $ onset competitor.

“What we can already see, a week after launch – observes Salvatore Ippolito, country manager of Twitter Italy – is that the audience is really very diverse and creative. Periscope in this sense it is very similar to Twitter. And ‘Twitter, in video: live, conversational and public. “

And in Italy the reception was the best with testimonials as Fiorello and Jovanotti that are leading the way. In addition to walking, to breakfast, the filming of the half-empty refrigerators to share with strangers there are interesting experiments in progress. Those of some newsrooms (La Stampa and Republic) or radio (from Radio24 Radio Deejay).

They begin to engage the parties (the intervention of Renzi direction Pd Monday went on Periscope) and businesses. Italy also records his first phenomena, such as the singer Lidia Schillaci that with his performances has been noticed by the US site Mashable.

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