Saturday, September 19, 2015

Windows, CEO Satya Nadella fool live, Cortana does not work, video – Baritalia News

Windows-CEO-Satya Nadella-fool-in-direct-Cortana-not-work-video

Cortanam, the much-touted assistant Voice of the new operating system Windows 10 m, at the press conference of presentation did not fire.

The CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, made a simple question whose answer voice assistant was a research left everyone stunned, like buying milk.

A presentation of Cortana that will remain long in the history of Microsoft that has caused considerable embarrassment to the CEO of the American giant.

Satya Nadella , CEO of Microsoft, one of the most powerful men in the world has made a fool of epic presentation of the new operating system Windows 10.

The CEO of the Redmond giant in the United States wanted to present in person the flagship of the new operating system, the sophisticated voice assistant “Cortana”.

In the presence of a packed stage of highly qualified audience, there was also the great Bill Gates, CEO of Windows explained what it can do “Cortana” and what are its advantages.

But not everything went as it was planned because a specific question not so difficult the voice assistant of Windows 10 has responded incorrectly.

The question that was asked by the managing director of Windows 10 server Windows Speech was as follows: “What options are riskier?”.

“Cortana “obviously did not understand the question and responded incorrectly.

Satya Nadella has not lost his nerve and redid the voice application server twice more but” Cortana “has always sore interpreted the request by answering incorrectly and causing so, the laughter of the audience in San Francisco.

The fool of Seo Windows quickly became viral and video with the three identical questions to Satya Nadella was one of the Top-ever in recent days.

In many expect the Satya Nadella in a bit ‘of days again convene a press conference to show that “Cortana” works perfectly.

We feature the much-clicked videos of presentation, which took place in San Francisco, the assistant voice “Cortana”:


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