Sunday, September 27, 2015

Here the viewer to read the paper “Virtual” – emerges the Future

If you belong to the dense array of people, firmly anchored to their habits, for which the use of headphones is tantamount to blasphemy and the vision of a person intent on talking on the phone without a handset and a receiver is at least disturbing, the actually proposed by the editors of the New Yorker in reading could soon take on the contours of a real apocalypse.

American weekly has in fact recently launched an app that allows you to read your newspaper in virtual mode absolutely , that is going to take advantage of that set of viewers dedicated to virtual reality that allows to simulate the presence of objects in front of their actual existence.


In essence, thanks to the application of the New Yorker is now possible not only read the magazine in digital, as with any newspaper without physical media but come to a complete simulation of its sheets so that viewer wearing Samsung Gear VR you will have the feeling of holding in your hands the newspaper and you can browse it just as with its counterpart in paper and bones.

The small virtual revolution was made possible by the presence of viewers increasingly accurate and ever cheaper (the aforementioned Samsung device will go on sale starting from 99 US dollars) to help you reduce time latency , so that the reality represented in the eyes of the wearer of the viewer always succeed more simulate a complete experience and lend itself to features that go beyond the simple field of videogioch I by the vision of landscapes and prune animated.

The application designed by the New Yorker should therefore be configured like a first prototype of what might be going to be the rule more absolute in reading during the next year , with all due respect for all those who continue to perceive as a minor annoyance watching people trying to talk to the wind, without a handset denotes the action taken.


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