Friday, September 25, 2015

Lunar eclipse 2015, info and schedule live streaming in Italy superluna: curiosity rare phenomenon – Weather Center Italian

  • red superluna 2015

    superluna red 2015 image source:

    Eclipse Luna 2015, info and schedule live streaming in Italy superluna: curiosity rare phenomenon – This is it, comes a unique phenomenon. Latest News superluna red 2015 , he speaks a bit all over the world: the total eclipse of the moon at perigee is not an event of the most frequent and generates a mixture of fascination and superstition. Superluna the red, also known as Blood Moon, the reddish color that take the Moon during the eclipse, you will see on Monday night: Below are the details of the superluna red 2015, and the total eclipse of the Moon . All eyes to the sky during the night of Monday, September 8: the phenomenon that you can admire, the eclipse is an astronomical event of superluna extremely rare: in fact, during the last century occurred only 5 times. Show is in the skies of the world, observable even in Italy, we speak of ‘ total eclipse Moon that there will be 28 September 2015. At about 3 am in particularly the Moon it will be blurred by the Earth and will be in line with the Sun, a position that will give the reddish color of its color and then return around 4:30 am. The color red is therefore the result of the reflections undertaken by our satellite during a total eclipse, with the sun’s rays that pass laterally Earth going to project the coppery glow on the surface of the moon. The event will be staged between 2 and 7 of the night between Sunday 27 and Monday 28. Live streaming from the site of NASA for the superluna 2015 and Italy from the Virtual Telescope. In short, a beautiful sight for all. [...]

  • Good news for amateur astronomers around the world: Moon will show in late September and all in the same night. The event is scheduled for 28 September when you can admire, thanks to a total eclipse, the moon turn red. But not only, because during the same night the moon will approach very Earth, a phenomenon known as superluna , then the show will be guaranteed astronomical treasure. [...]

  • So on September 28 not only the moon will full and red but will also at the closest point to the earth in its orbit, and will appear large dimentsioni than usual. In short, a rare astronomical event much anticipated, that if the heavens are serene, can be seen with the naked eye. As soon as the eclipse will begin over to take over other red shades short show really missed. Following the weather forecast. [...]

  • We see the weather forecast for Sunday, September 27: Recurring conditions of general instability on the Peninsula with local showers and thunderstorms especially in the South Italy and the Western Alps. Even on the morning of September 28 scattered precipitation, but only on the reliefs.


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