For the first time since the day of its debut, Windows 10 has lost market share. Although Microsoft has pointed out, recently, as the new operating system is installed on over 400 million devices, NetMarketShare has highlighted that in the month of September, the market share of Windows 10 in the desktop world, on the other hand, declined. In the previous month, in fact, NetMarketShare had certified as the new platform of Microsoft had reached a market share that is the 22,99%.
In September, however, the market share of the software platform of Microsoft has dropped to the 22,53% with an actual decline of 0.46%. A difference is certainly minimal, but it’s still the first time that Windows 10 shows a negative sign. At the same time, Windows 7, however, shows a growth of the market share of 1,07%. This stop to the growth of Windows 10 could easily bind to the end of the possibility of being able to migrate for free to the new platform from Windows 7 and the Windows 8.1. The promotion commissioned by Microsoft was expired last July 29, but for some time it was not possible to unofficially do l'upgrade for free. Now, instead, you start to see the effects of the lack of the ability to upgrade to a free operating system.
At this point will be very interesting data in the coming months to understand what will be the trend of Windows 10, that is, if the market shares will settle themselves on the current values or if, instead, it will return to grow or even to lose further share.
as far as the other statistics offered by NetMarketShare, Windows XP maintains a hard core of 9.11%, while Windows 8.1 is scoring a 7,83%. The other software platform remain, instead, only the crumbs with OS X 10.11 at 4,07%, and Linux to 2.23%.

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