Air Berlin has banned to bring on board all the flights of the group phones the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, and she did the same Finnair for safety reasons. The measure, said the carrier’s German, it applies immediately. Air Berlin had already forbidden the use in the above. the Lufthansa, instead, has imposed the ban on wearing the phones of this model on all its flights connecting with the United States. According to a spokesperson, the measure may, however, be extended to all flights of the carrier. Previously even Singapore Airlines had announced the ban from October 16, after the layout urgent the u.s. department of Transportation, which had prohibited the model of the smartphone on all of the planes in the Usa. Yesterday Alitalia should not carry the phone onboard of its flights. When the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was put on the market in August, there have been several cases of explosion of the batteries. Samsung has announced the stop of the production and sale on October 11. And by next week the Samsung will all new Galaxy Note 7 – on our market have been sold about two thousand – after the stop is made after that in many Countries, from the Usa to Asia, specimens of the phablet Korean, and exploded in the hands of the owners. “We contacted one to one all the customers, we have just under 2,000 devices on the territory, and within the next week them will collect all”. This is a Carlo Barlocco, president of Samsung Electronics Italia, on the sidelines of the Forum of Coldiretti in Cernobbio, italy. “Over six hundred have already been delivered at the point of sale,” explains Barlocco – for others that do not want to deliver there, we will send a courier to collect it. We put at your disposal a toll-free number and guaranteed, as a duty, complete refund of what has been the outlay of the customers and the maintenance of all the prizes for the campaign”. In addition, she points out, “we will communicate short individually to those customers involved for the possibility of having conditions that are dedicated to buy a new smartphone”.
How to estimate the economic impact at the national level, the head of Samsung said that “in Italy, the damage is very limited,” having regard to the number of units involved. As for the fire retardant box to return the phones, Barlocco has said that Italy was not required. The fire retardant box was requested, and only some carriers in the us, not Italy”. Barlocco stresses, however, as in Italy “is not success either a negative case, and even in the whole of Europe”. “We talk about dozens of cases over two million pieces, therefore, the possibility that it happens in all Countries is really remote,” he concludes.

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