UberPop, blocked app and service throughout Italy: “Victory of the taxi drivers’ – BBC
Milan , May 26, 2015 – 11:52
The Court of Milan on Tuesday, ordered the blockade of the app UberPop, one of the services provided by the American Society for the Uber car with driver throughout the national territory. Among the reasons, the “unfair competition” and “violation of administrative discipline that regulates the taxi industry.” On the site of UberPop, aspiring drivers can apply by simply sending the necessary documents to take the lead. Once approved, they receive a smartphone application installed in order to interact with customers. In addition to inhibiting the app, or via geo-location allows you to book online the driver closest available, the Milan judiciary has also established the prohibition to provide those services.
shadow carousel
Tassisti contest manager Uber
“A matter of great topical interest for Expo ‘
On Decision has also affected the World’s Fair: “The considerable number of visitors to the event Expo 2015 – is one of the steps of the measure – despite involving Milan seems likely to expand even the influx of tourists in other Italian cities, including also those where the applicants operate. ” Translated: more demand, induced by the increased flow of tourists, the better chance to take advantage of UberPop. It was therefore upheld the appeal filed in April by the trade associations of taxi drivers. “The real competitive advantage” – reads the order – derives from the possibility, for drivers of UberPop, to “apply prices significantly lower than those of the public service, with undue diversion of customers.” This was also due to the lower costs.
“Not comparable to car sharing ‘
According to the Milan judge Claudio Marangoni, the section specializing in business, UberPop also not comparable to car sharing service because if the app” the driver does not have a personal interest to get to the place indicated by the user and, in the absence of any request, would not give rise to such a move. ” Another observation: “This seems to give rise to a doubt on the actual attitude of UberPop to create benefits for the community in terms of reducing air pollution and energy consumption, since it seems contrary to stimulate the use of private vehicles without respect to such use can be put in place measures for programming and control of the general mobility that seem universally regarded as the main instrument of intervention in the urban transport sector and no. “
The Battle of taxi drivers
A resort to the Civil Court had been taxi drivers in Milan, after months of controversy, protests (some egregious) and wildcat strikes against the US app. In recent weeks, organizations and unions, local and national, taxi drivers and radiotaxi, assisted by a legal team composed of lawyers Marco Giustiniani, Nico Moravia, John Gigliotti and Alessandro Fabbi, had called for the darkening of the app UberPop, one of the services provided by the American company that allows anyone to become a taxi driver without a license, and inhibition by the service.
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” Unfair competition “
On Tuesday the Court of Milan with an ordinance upheld the appeal, ensuring the ‘unfair competition’ service group Uber. The judge, with a precautionary measure, ordered the blocking of UberPop and the injunction by the service on the whole national territory. In his decision the judge made it clear that Uber will have 15 days to adapt to the measure, otherwise it will snap penalties: 20,000 euro fine for each day of default. Uber has the possibility to present, in turn, use.
Taxi drivers: “We due to arrive in court “
” We had to come in courtroom because someone decides, no one wanted to take this responsibility before resorting to court we are facing in the City, Region, to the Government, all to no avail. ” So Peter Gagliardi, union representative for the category of taxi drivers of the Artisans of the Province of Milan. “It’s a big win – he added – and we did just for us and our work, but also for the safety of users.” Words in harmony with those of lawyers, who have continued the legal battle: “We are very satisfied with the result – commented Marco Giustiniani, in the pool that has seen the taxi drivers -. The Court of Milan has fully understood the situation despite its complexity, he has recognized the unfair competition of service Uber-pop towards the taxi and ordered the Group Uber immediate inhibition of the same on the whole Italian territory. We believe that Uber will give a ready compliance with that specified by the court and that this decision will spur even administrations to be monitored more carefully than hitherto carried out. “
Il Comment tweeted by former Labour Minister Maurizio Lupi
Wolves on Twitter: “The Court of Milan gives me reason”
On each also spoke at the former Transport Minister Maurizio Lupi. On Twitter, he commented on the decision of the judges: “On UberPop the Court of Milan gives me reason: it is unfair to taxi drivers. I had said that it was illegal. Law and common sense prevail. ”
The Codacons: “They give huge for users
In contrast the position of Codacons:” The judgment of the Court of Milan, which has blocked the service UberPop throughout Italy – said in a statement the association of consumers – is an enormous loss for users, because it limits the competition and reduces the possibility of choice for citizens. ” “It is unthinkable that a modern country can be deprived of innovative applications such as Uber, which respond to market needs and exploit the new possibilities introduced by the technology – said President Carlo Rienzi -. This will eventually produce a double damage to the final consumer: first, fewer choices in the face of the service, on the other hand higher rates due to less competition. “
The previous German
Last September, UberPop had been placed temporarily banned in Germany. The Frankfurt Court had accepted the requests of taxi drivers Teutonic that in addition to denounce the unfair competition (the app for the car rental with driver, booked via tablets and smartphones, according to the initials of the category was in fact a parallel taxi service but unlicensed), they had impeached also the formula for sharing economy, or the economy in sharing “with appearances from start-up.” The order of the Court of Frankfurt, in the event of non-compliance, sanctions had predicted up to 250,000 euro. The ruling was not the first, in Germany, to give wrong Uber is for security reasons, is competition: in two other circumstances, in Berlin and Hamburg, the judges had ordered the block, but had continued to operate after Uber He has appealed.
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