Monday, January 25, 2016

Italo, the discount for the “Family Day” and the storm on social – AgoraVox Italy

The NTV, owner of the high-speed train Italo, announces a discount on tickets to those who will travel to the “Family Day” on 30 January and the controversy broke out. The explanations of the company on Facebook worsen the situation. Thousands of users are threatening a boycott.

Saturday, January 23 a million people took to the streets in several Italian cities to protest under the slogan “ Svegliatitalia “, in favor of the approval of DDL Cirinnà , the law on civil unions that will arrive for the discussion in the Senate on Thursday, after 30 years of ideological discussions.

On January 30, however, they will be against the law to take to the streets in the “ Family Day “, an initiative that aims to defend the family so-called “traditional”.

In this great movement, in addition to the political struggle, we are developing hot controversy about the position taken by the private NTV owns the high-speed trains Italian guilty of having “sided” with the protesters of the Family Day and then against civil rights, at least as stated by the many messages of fervent passengers who stormed the Facebook page of Italo train.

But what happened?

A few days ago in a Facebook group linked to some member associations in Family Day had spread the news (false) that Trenitalia would offer a discount to families who would’re coming to Rome for the event pro traditional family. In reality it was a misunderstanding because, as specified by the company after a few hours, someone (perhaps instrumentally) confused the classic discount groups, always applied by Trenitalia for the Group, with an offer “ad hoc” .

At the same time the competitor “ Italo-NTV “, no one knows the rush of chasing Trenitalia of an offer turned out to non-existent, she has devised a promotional code that gives right of 30% off for people wishing to travel to Rome for the Family Day on January 30.

The news of the special Italo was seen by users and associations in favor Cirinnà approval of the bill, as an act of discrimination against gay people and as a political and ideological statement in favor of picketers civil unions.

The Facebook page of Italo was taken in a few hours assault by thousands of angry users. The anger of the passengers Italo disappointed by the behavior of the company is further increased after the ambiguous attempts at clarification of NTV arrived on Facebook in the form of language almost aimed at an audience of “minors”:

Hello, we just wanted to tell all of you that Italo has a trading system by which offers to anyone who asks and conventions that can guarantee a certain amount of traffic. All the same conditions . As we do every day and with every type of organization and association on the occasion of musical events, sports and social, without making choices neither ideological nor affiliation, but only in respect of law and obvious. Italo is a company on the market and these Conventions are often for us also a commercial tool very useful and profitable for corporate accounts. We avoid low political conspiracy on a purely commercial decision . “

The answer has worsened the situation and feedback from users have become heavier. Many have begun to threaten a boycott of NTV affirming that they no longer take trains to Italian brand.

But it does not end here. Prey onslaught of users disappointed, NTV tries to put another piece, even worse proving embarrassing difficulties of communication strategy:

Boys , we are not to put us in the corner who wants to exploit everything. They asked a discounts for a public demonstration legally authorized and we have granted as we always do in these cases. There is no need and it is instrumental to bring up things that have nothing to do demonstrations as anti-democratic and even racist and illegal. There are bad these words because we have always been supporters of individual rights and also demonstrate our support for the auteur cinema denouncing discrimination and defending civil rights and individual freedoms, providing the productions our trains as September try to use common sense and Italo is always available to anyone who wants to support minority rights and democratic freedoms . “

Now expects an official NTV that is written with serious and appropriate language in respect of passengers and the same employees Italo who do not identify the discussed marketing strategy on the Family Day. But above all they expect content and an explanation of how it is possible that a company which transports thousands of people will take the risk, as it did, to offend the sensibilities of most of its customers and of course of many employees. If you do not have the confidence to Italo introduce a discount for the squares of “Svegliatitalia”, could at least remain neutral in the name of a general respect the variety of views that enliven the delicate political debate on the issue of civil unions.

And ‘the case to say that if Italy is the latest European country to not have a law regulating civil unions, the train Italo does not seem to take Italy to Europe, in fact, waiting for clarification desirable it looks like “ the train of desires goes backwards .”


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