Saturday, January 16, 2016

Discover the murderer is the brightest supernova ever seen – Baritalia News


Once again two Italian astronomers are a team of researchers that has made an extraordinary discovery a bright Supernova the brighter it is never seen by a telescope on Earth.

A supernova releases so much light to embarrass our sun.

The astronomers could observe the supernova called Assassin’s bright 570,000 times hotter than the sun.

A discovery sensational was made by a group of astronomers including two Italians, the noted Gianluca Nasi, the head of the important scientific observatory of the Virtual Telescope Project of Frosinone and Filomena Bufano Observatory of Catania in Sicily.

The team of astronomers led by Chinese Subo Dong director of the Kavli Institute for Astrophysics in Beijing scopeto a beautiful supernova, the brightest that was never seen by a telescope that has been called Assassin.

The supernova you can observe from Earth only from the southern hemisphere and is located in the constellation called the Indian who is from the Earth nearly 4 billion years.

After the discovery of the Crab Nebula supernova which is located on the constellation Taurus and is visible from the Earth, the discovery that happened a thousand years ago to be exact in 1054, then a bright new star was detected in the cosmos that is 570 billion times brighter than our sun.

The first time was sighted Assassin was on 14 June. The astronomer Catanese Filomena Bufano tells the tabloid known as Science was made the startling discovery: “It ‘was, however, thanks to the spectra collected with the DuPont Telescope in Chile and especially the Southern African Large Telescope and the Magellan Clay that we were able to calculate the distance to the explosion and then released back to the enormous brightness in the event, comparable to several tens of times that of all the stars that make up our galaxy, the Milky Way. “

The Chinese Dong , who was at the head of the team of scientists who discovered the beautiful and slick supernova, he admitted that it was not easy to succeed in identifying Assassin and that is very difficult to understand how it is formed and how it can produce so much light.

Gianluca Masi has stated that: “We can not exclude that the supernova record is not exploded in the galaxy, but it’s a fact ‘perspective. For a brightness as that achieved in the peak of ASASSN-15lh – it noted – would be necessary not less than 30 solar masses of nickel-56. Probably more observations will clarify this point. ” To shed light on supernova “Killer”.

Gianluca Masi said he was very satisfied with the great discovery: “After six long months of waiting, I can finally share this amazing scientific breakthrough, certainly historical, which I co-authored the discovery of ASASSN-15lh, an extraordinary stellar explosion that is imposed to science as the brightest supernova ever found in the history of man. “


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