Sunday, January 17, 2016

Ice Age there will be, but well between 100,000 years –

Ice Age there will be & # xE0 ;, but well between 100,000 years

Although the network proliferate buffaloes, this is not, sooner or later there will be a new ice age on the planet.
Yet any kind of alarmism, at least for As for us, is not justified: the ice age will soon and certainly not a handful of years.
The increase of human activities, which took place in the last four centuries, has moved forward by about 100,000 years, the next ice age This is what emerges from a study of a group of researchers of the Institute for Climate Impact Research in Potsdam which established a direct relationship between insolation on the planet, carbon dioxide levels and extent and thickness of the ice.
Even without additional CO2 into the atmosphere, experts say, there will be an ice age before 50 thousand years. However, the study shows that “even a small addition of carbon dioxide is enough to postpone the phenomenon of more 50 thousand years”.
For the first time, the research could explain the onset of the last ice age 8, quantifying several factors key that preceded the formation of each glacial cycle. “Our results suggest a functional relationship only between the summer insolation and atmospheric CO2 to the beginning of growth of the ice sheets large that not only explains the past, but also allows us to predict when it might occur again the ‘beginning of an ice age. “
Using Earth model that simulate changes in the atmosphere, oceans, ice caps and carbon dioxide, the researchers were then able to predict the impact of emissions on the opening of the next glaciation.


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