Tuesday, January 12, 2016

China, the authorities prohibit the instant messaging services – Tech Fanpage

WhatsApp Messenger and Telegram? If you use them in China you might come under observation by the authorities as potential terrorists. The charge? Software too safe and not monitored by the authorities. So snaps censorship, even physical and requires the removal of instant messaging applications from their devices. He revealed the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an organization active in the defense of privacy. According to the report, the government would have identified the users of applications such as WhatsApp or Telegram and virtual networks, so-called VPN, then asking operators to interrupt telephone connection.

The only way to get back line on your smartphone is to remove the offending applications. Censorship has taken place in Xinjiang Province, former star of several other similar incidents in the past that affected journalists and bloggers. Often the country resorts to the use of technology to completely block access to the web from the people, a sort of Chinese wall digital impossible to overcome if not using VPN or, indeed, encrypted applications like WhatsApp and Telegram.

At least until now , as the government has decided to stop accepting this subterfuge and to include smartphones in “raids”. A measure that aims to further tighten repression by the Chinese authorities, already engaged in a fight against companies, encryption systems and websites that enable Chinese citizens to publish text or multimedia content. Now even the possession of a simple messaging application, such as those used every day in the West, may be worth a stop. Especially for those who are already considered “at risk”, maybe because belonging to ethnic groups kept under control, as the Uighur.

Not only, however, virtual controls and censorship by Remote, but also body searches at checkpoints that, from today, will also include the analysis of the smartphone looking applications indicted that, if identified, may also lead to the seizure of the device or to the detention of the owner, if deemed dangerous. The test, for now limited to the province of Xinjiang, could be extended to the whole of China, preventing not only the use but also the possession of illegal software by the government.

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