Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A giant planet at the edge of the Solar System: up there a year it takes 15 thousand – The Messenger

It should be about ten times larger than Earth. This giant would be at the edge of our solar system with an orbit that goes beyond the so-called Kuiper Belt. A pianetone similar to Uranus and Neptune.
However we are in the field of theory, there are no certainties, no one, at least for now, has seen it, but the presence of the ninth planet you already cumbersome .


 To revive the issue are two astronomers from Caltech, the California Institute of Technology: Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin .

«Benché at the beginning we were very skeptical about the possibility that this planet could exist -they said the two ricercatori-, continuing to investigate its orbit and consider what it would mean to the outer solar system, there are more and more convinced that it is right out there. For the first time in over 150 years-and the statement is from brivido-, there is no solid evidence to the effect that the census of the planetary solar system is incomplete. “

According to the mathematical model developed by two scientists American, Planet X would be a very distant planet with an orbit about 20 times farther from the Sun than Neptune (four and a half billion kilometers away from our star), while its year would last 15,000 years on Earth.

“We have a gravitational signature of a giant planet in the outer solar system -a talk this time is Batygin., and it is interesting to note that some of the most powerful telescopes on Earth at this time may be able to locate it, could indeed be hidden in some existing image. “


 Evidence for the existence of Planet Nine, as he was baptized in a hurry, comes from a study of the two researchers on the movement observed in some objects in the Kuiper Belt, the vast region of comets beyond the orbit of Pluto. According to the first hypothesis, we repeat to be verified, Brown and Batygin believe that there is a planet ten times the mass of Earth on an elliptical orbit around the Sun, huge, a planet completes an orbit between 10,000 and 20,000 years and that It never comes close to 200 times the Earth-Sun distance.

In the scientific world is so much skepticism, but the study was recently published on the The Astronomical Journal , a monthly scientific journal of the most important in the world in astronomy. But certainly a certain degree of skepticism is necessary. As mentioned it is just a mathematical model. And ‘Brown himself to admit it.

 However, after the publication of their study, the two astronomers do not lose heart: “I’d be thrilled to find it and see it -avrebbe Brown- said, but I would also be happy if it were to find someone else. That is why we published our article, we hope that other people derive inspiration to go looking. “

These days Brown seemed irrepressible much to write on Twitter the following proposition:” OK, OK , are now willing to admit: I think that the solar system has nine planets, adding even more. “

A possible explanation for the existence of the planet, according to the authors, is that it was a giant planet ejected during a phase experienced by our Solar System. Moreover, other studies have also suggested moving the orbit of Saturn. In any case, the discovery of a ninth planet of the solar system would be enormous, and if so would be to rewrite all the books of Astronomy. It must be said, however, that astronomers have predicted the existence of hundreds of dwarf planets beyond the orbit of Pluto, that is always in the Kuiper belt, but so far there are no solid theories to a large object as Planet Nine.

 Pluto as a planet was killed years ago, and is no longer considered as such. To give him the coup de grace was their Mike Brown who in 2005 discovered a body even bigger and more massive than Pluto, Eris. The following year, in August 2006, the general assembly of the International Astronomical relegated Pluto to a dwarf planet.

Who comes and who try to enter, then another forward. Who knows …..

 To watch the video click here


             Wednesday, January 20, 2016, 23:58 – Last Updated: 02:05


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