Sunday, March 15, 2015

Great expectations for the solar eclipse of the century, on Friday in Italy will be … – The Messenger

On March 20 is a date that astronomy enthusiasts, and others, should mark down on your calendar: there will in fact be a total solar eclipse, as those do not see for a long time, even in Italy .

 Great mobilization for the event to Friday from dozens of Sun Party organized by the Amateur Astronomers Italian territory (Uai), up

 the mini-satellites Proba mobilized by the European Space Agency (ESA) to follow the event from space. . The ‘kissed between Sun and Moon will start at 10.31 in Rome, a few seconds later in Milan, and dureràcomplessivamente hour.

 From Northern Italy will be able to see the moon cover more than 70% of the solar disk, the South about 50%, while total will be only from the remote Svalbard islands.

A crescent sun, and not of the Moon. This will be the astronomical phenomenon will happen before our eyes. The moon darkened the sun for a few minutes and northern Europe the eclipse of the century, as some have dubbed, will be total and for long seconds the star will disappear altogether. In Italy we have the chance to see a partial eclipse but still great because we get to capture about 70 percent of the phenomenon and then the shadows envelop well our Peninsula. The next eclipse with such high values, the only we can follow in 2026 and the total darkness will be in Iceland.

EVENTS will be dozens of events across Italy to follow the show in company of amateurs’ armed with telescopes and in complete safety. The Uai organizes Sun Party from Sicily to Piedmont, the full list is on the website of the network amateurs. ESA also will point the ‘eyes to the sun with minisatellites Proba that will resume the eclipse from 800 miles high. The images will be transmitted to Earth in the headquarters of Noordwijk in the Netherlands which will be open to the public.

HOW observe “In Rome – explains Gianluca Masi, head of the Virtual Telescope and scientific coordinator the Planetarium of Rome, which also broadcast the event live streaming – the eclipse will begin at 9:24, will peak at 10:31 and end at 11:42. There will be a coverage of about 62%. In Milan will start and end a minute before. “

An event not to be missed, says Masi,” partly because it is not very frequent. To see then also from Italy the next eclipse, which will still cover less than this, we have to wait until 2022 “. The other partial eclipses, which are seen in recent years in our country, are those of January 2011 and August 1999. “But be careful – concludes Masi – an eclipse of the genre can not be observed with the naked eye or with the normal sunglasses.

You have to acquire or specific glasses, purchased cheaply in stores astronomical equipment, or look through the indirect projection of a telescope, equipped with special filters. Otherwise you risk serious damage to the retina. ” Those who want to enjoy the spectacle of a total eclipse will reach the islands of Svalbard or Faroe, but it seems that since September there is no longer a bed free.

HISTORY solar eclipse particularly famous was the one that took place May 29, 1919 in Africa, observed in a shipment of two groups of British astronomers. One group, led by astrophysicist Arthur Eddington English, documented the event taking photos on 16 plates, of which, after the development, only two turned out to be usable. Carefully measuring the position of the stars near the eclipsed sun disc (the group of the Hyades) it was possible to detect a shift average of 1.6 arc seconds compared to their normal position, value very similar to that provided in 1.75 seconds d ‘ arc. The phenomenon that justified this shift was the deflection of light passing through a gravitational field. These measures constituted the first experimental confirmation (within the errors of measurement) of one of the effects predicted by the theory of general relativity, published three years ago by Albert Einstein.


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