Today is an important day for Google: it’s from 2010 now the home of Mountain View announces the smartphone and gadgets annually, but the event in programme in the morning in San Francisco — 18 today from us — it is special for at least a couple of reasons. First of all, because the smartphone that the company has in the pipeline are not the usual Nexus, created by third-party companies, with the blessing of the company, but the beginning of a new project: called Pixels, and Pixels XL, new devices have been designed under the direct supervision of the engineers of Mountain View. In addition, we’re not talking about just phones, but also other products and technologies destined to change the face of the company in the long term.
Pixels and Pixels XL are hottest products. Built by the taiwanese HTC (even if it seems that the manufacturer first approached by Google to have been Huawei) their photos and technical specifications final have been leaked yesterday on the net thanks to a double slip synchronized by two dealers; of the two gadgets, however, it remains to know the price — that it was hypothesized could be starting from 649 and $ 750 — and the impact that will have on the relationship of Google with its partner.
The two phones show that the house in Mountain View is no longer enough to have in around the globe, smartphone, tablet and laptop with its operating system, but want to start to produce by itself these items; like Apple, it wants to pull out the best products from the joint development of hardware and software that will use it.
The speech row, but is likely to worry the manufacturers that so far have been the faithful partner of the Android project: and if Google decides, it is clearly not immediately but in a few years, no longer need them? Those with the necessary resources to develop their own operating system, such as Samsung and Huawei, are already working with this scenario in mind, and the Pixels may represent an incentive to come off from the alliance in advance about the plans of Google.
Among the other novelties that we will see in the course of the event, there is also Daydream VR, the platform for virtual reality that Google had announced during its spring conference, and that finally is ready to debut its own Pixel and Pixels XL. Here also the contours of the initiative are well known: the company has defined the specifications of the manufacturers of smartphones and accessories must meet to ensure that their devices receive the seal compatibility with the platform, with the objective of creating a centre of alternative and more economic ecosystems, Oculus, HTC Live and the PlayStation VR. Today, we will discover what will (and when will) the first phones equipped with the certification, how many and what content will be available on launch, and if it is indeed true that the company is also developing a viewer separate and autonomous, that does not need a smartphone or PC for the operation.
the Side products, in addition to Pixels, we could see a version of Chromecast updated for the playback of content in 4K, called Chromecast Ultra and sold at the price of 69 dollars, and Google’s Wi-Fi, a router that should represent the evolution of OnHub, but that is not said arrivals in Italy. It is almost certain that we will witness a practical demonstration of the potential of Google Home, the speaker from the living room which the society has shown in his lecture of may is dedicated to the developers. The opponent of the Amazon Echo will be a hub for home automation that leverage on the algorithms of speech recognition, the powerful search engine and the systems of neural networks are available to the group: something similar to the virtual assistant seen in the preview on Google At and in arrival on Android Nougat, but dedicated to the real world. Today it will be probably announced the date of arrival in the United States.
the software Side, finally, Google will return without a doubt to talk about Android Nougat and will Google Magic, one of the new features on smartphone Pixels leaked in the last hours, while we will not see the new version of Android Wear, the launch of which was postponed to the next year.
Today, however, it may be revealed Andromeda, the rumored project is intended to merge the operating system for smartphones and tablet, Android, his counterpart, dedicated to laptops, the Chrome OS. That the marriage is in the yard it is now certain, but the timing there is uncertainty: according to the latest rumors the work would not be at a sufficiently advanced stage to allow for a debut of the new platform before 2017 submitted, but Google may have scheduled a live demonstration to warm the hearts and prepare the general public to the products coming up in a year.
The appointment is in a few hours, and the name of the event — Made by Google — leaves little room for interpretation: the home of Mountain View is poised to enter a new stage of history, in which the names of the partner manufacturers only count up to a certain point. How will the things for allies, competitors, and users of the giant, we will begin to understand that, in the short term.
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