another iPhone is here, and with it the controversy about its price and about what other, better, means, you could buy with that money —type 67 kilos of pecorino sardo or 35 Nokia mobile with radio and camera, 0.3 megapixel.
"my [name any smartphone statement] does the same things and it costs 100 euros" is one of the comments that I hear most when I talk about smartphones, especially the more expensive ones. True, but not true. How does it work? And how many of the things that makes the one most expensive you don’t need?
so Far, we have reasoned around the three categories of smartphone: the entry level — let’s say up to 199 euro — the medium (200-399) and the first band, more than 400 euro, and so on until you are past the 1000 euro more expensive versions of the iPhone and Galaxy. With the release of smartphones increasingly powerful, increasingly affordable and then we started talking about mid-range smartphone (the price) with a performance from top of the range and the other the scramble on the mirrors of the genre.
Before we incartiamo of all, it is time to take out all of the models over the 599 euros and put them in a category all their own: that of luxury. Not the exaggerated luxury — Vertu, Tonino Lamborghini, phones 5/8/10/20 thousand euros — but the phones whose possession creates a sense of wealth. As it happens with clothing, with shoes, with the bags.
Are smartphones that offer the finest materials — the latest Gorilla Glass, aluminum, cameras, best —, those with the most refined design, those that are the result of months and spent millions in research and development, also to optimize the software and the ease of use of all the functions.
Are those for which there is always a galaxy of accessories of all kinds, from film, to cover, gadgets for photos. But, above all, are the smartphone of the most beloved brands: Apple on all, with Samsung chasing fatigue and Huawei to the window, while he tries to capitalize on the best of the leap, after years of excellent phones at cheap prices. Are the brands in which consumers can identify with, those with whom you create a relationship which is strongly emotional, and long-term — but how long?
"The best brand exceed two crucial moments in verification, has written A. G. Lafley, Chairman, President and Chief Executive of Procter & Gamble in the preface to the book Lovemarks by Kevin Roberts. the "The first one, on the store shelf, when a consumer decides whether to purchase one brand or another. The second, at home, when he uses the product and is satisfied, or not. The brands that repeatedly exceed these milestones they conquer a special place in the heart and in the mind of consumers; and stronger, establish with them a relationship that lasts for the whole life".
From this point of view, Apple’s customers are no exception, quite the contrary. At least a couple of years the iPhone chase the competition, by adding news that some Android phone has already for months — like the waterproof feature and double camera announced on the latest iPhone 7. Yet, Apple continues to sell a quantity immoral smartphone. the "Loyalty Beyond Reason is what convinced Apple fans to continue to buy that brand even when the Apple was producing banal boxes beige are very similar to other on the market", says in his book, Kevin Roberts, CEO Worldwide of Saatchi & Saatchi. the "For those who chose Apple because it was out of the ordinary, buy one of those computers was a great effort. Many of them remained faithful, continuing to ask why".
Is the prize cash in the Lovemark: can make mistakes and be forgiven, gaining time to go through the hard times: an indulgence which however has a limit, because no one will never be committed to remain faithful when you get something clearly better — ask Nokia. My main phone is an iPhone since the 3Gs, but in the course of the last year I have been tempted to switch to the competition for blame of the P9, the Galaxy S7 edge, and finally of the Notes 7. The iPhone 7 has arrived just in time to put Apple at the top of my preferences.
In 2016, 9 years after their appearance, the iPhone still enjoy the loyalty of those who had chosen the first true smartphone in circulation, but the danger is that love can blur: good for Apple that at the moment there are no other products ready to take its place in the hearts of its most passionate customers. The 2016 was, however, a crazy year, for the sector: from the LG G5 to HTC 10, passing through all the models mentioned here — and in the expectation of upcoming Google Pixels — the offer has reached a very high level, in terms of innovation and quality.
And while the chinese manufacturers to improve year-on-year, their products, the balance could change in a hurry, rewarding the definitive statement of Huawei, the innovation of Motorola (and other brand very loved years ago, on which Lenovo tip for western markets) or economic qualities of Xiaomi or OnePlus. At that point, it will be still more evident that spending more than 700 euros for a phone it will be a luxury that we would like to grant for an object that makes us happy, regardless of its real economic value.
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