ROME – Not chatting on the job. Russia has decided to take serious measures for officials found to use instant messaging applications during the hours of service, among them WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram. Who will be pinched to use the apps present in the black list, and therefore not certified by the Russian government, may be at risk of dismissal. In a report of the daily newspaper Izvestia and, as reported, it would seem that the Kremlin has asked the services of the federal security (FSB) to develop a specific system and specific in order to punish the “guilty”. The initiative was presented this week by the commission of the presidential administration in charge to monitor the internet and the FSB is committed to prepare the necessary regulations for the ban by mid-2017. The measure was taken after the ministry of Defence had suggested to forbid to officials of the state and the military the use of any application foreign to the correspondence in the workplace. The head of security council of Russia, Nikolay Patrushev, has criticized on several occasions the behavior of various regional officials who employ Google and Yahoo Mail, as well as WhatsApp, on the job. In September 2015, Patrushev had invited the governors of russia to adopt preventive measures, adding that WhatsApp was a threat to both the security and the national information. the minister of communications, Nikolay Nikiforov, she said in an interview released last year, that all employees of state agencies must immediately stop using services such as Google, Yahoo or WhatsApp in the workplace, allowing, however, their use in leisure time (of course). In November 2015, the prime minister Dmitry Medvedev has signed a law that prohibits all state agencies to use any software abroad, except the programs specified in a list, which does not have the Russian analogue. The list includes the software are protected by copyright of the Russian government. The software must be available throughout the Country and the license for the people and the foreign companies must not exceed 30 percent of the total revenue.
- Topics:
- messaging
- viber
- telegram
- Russia
- Izvestia
- chat
- working hours
- Starring:
- Dmitry Medvedev

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