ONE of those that disorient the most is the smiley face with big teeth on display. Unicode, the international consortium in charge of protecting the interoperability of texts between different computer languages and platforms, has labeled as 1F601 character. Yet, according to the study of GroupLens University of Minnesota Research, prepared for the next edition dell’Icwsm, a major conference on social media, quell’emoji do not understand it the same way. Especially when the send-to-platform, for example platform from Apple to Google, from a Microsoft phone to one LG. This is because, as the users are well aware, the ubiquitous smiley faces now that we use in place of the text in the messaging programs, and recently have been enhanced with new items and characters, ranging aesthetic for various operating systems, from iOS to the various versions Android customized by manufacturers up to Windows 10. And if emoji should be, according to some, “the Englishman of the future” because it can enable understanding between speakers of different languages overcoming any language barrier, we are in bad shape. Surprisingly, another emoji extremely misunderstood in the emotional aspect is also one of those most used, the smiley face that tears with laughter. Follow the one who cries in buckets, and that in fact differ much between the various systems, the monkey who covers his eyes, the sleepy emoji (with next “zzz”, among the least he understood also semantically) and is another of the varied range of these smiling but not too much. They would leave also perplexed that with tongue peeks at the side of his mouth and with a lot of that sad tear, which takes on Samsung for example a setting far more dramatic than elsewhere. Less doubt, however, for those amorous: a few misunderstandings for emoji with heart-shaped eyes, for what wink wink, for the smile, for that puzzled or the plaintive. In short, an initial analysis it appears that – especially from platform to platform and under the profile of the emotion expressed – we get lost street coincidentally with the nuances. That is, with emoji who would like to become bearers of fluids feelings, not too net, but that because of their graphic setting end up in reality to produce a semantic short circuit. After all, who has not ever send and receive emoji not entirely coherent response with expectations? Obviously emoji have meanings in themselves elastic, that bind to the context of the conversation in progress and this investigation could not be considered. However this is true in particular for objects. If exchange for negative of smilies basically positive, and vice versa, or if we go haywire for a tear, then we have a worrying problem of communication. Using an online survey, the team consists of Hannah Miller, Jacob Thebault-Spieker, Shuo Chang, Isaac Johnson, Loren Terveen and Brent Hecht? It has asked users to establish their own interpretation of 22 of the most popular Unicode characters in the five major platforms. The two questions were pointing just to dig in interpreting variation in terms of sentiment ( “how positive you feel this emoji?”) And semantics ( “what does this emoji?”). The result? Only 4.5% of the examined symbols showed a low level of disagreement. On the contrary, in 25% of cases the participants did not agree on the meaning or the emotional surrender dell’emoji analyzed. That is, if it were positive, neutral or negative. This result occurred within the same operating system, so for example from Apple user to user. Jumping the fence of the platforms, the mistake rate was soaring course. The survey seems to come throw open far more chaotic scenarios: “We studied 22 of the most popular emoji anthropomorphic but in circulation there are 1,282, including those with no human elements – reads the paper – just as we examined the five most popular platforms. But there are at least 17 with their specific emoji. Finally, we analyzed only one version of each emoji for each platform even if users do not always use the same version of the operating system. for example, the emoji in Android 4.4 are significantly different from those of the fifth version, in turn, different from those of Android 6.1 used in the study. Can not learn about the versions emoji “. Instead, you can imagine the potential level of confusion. The problem is not only between a platform and another. On Apple’s iOS, for example, the most misunderstood in terms of emotional fallout are the emoji weeping, the infamous face showing teeth with squeezed eyes and hands that would indicate “relax” in the top 3 for LG and Google. Always on the latter, on the contrary, are the various monsters with tear or with red cheeks to leave perplexed. In terms of meaning, however, the iPhone lovers do not understand the disappointed face and perplexed, yet one that grinds his teeth (by far the most misunderstood, use it less), and the smile crinkled. In general, by Microsoft to other platforms, even in this case it is the emoji with intermediate and nuanced made to leave us hanging. To confirm that if we have something clear to say with emoji worthwhile use one rather marked, to dispel any doubt. Otherwise it must say a few words and groped to explain to letters that what you are trying. Rather than rely on a face that could tardirci. The solution? The consortium Unicode dovebbe make more of an effort with manufacturers and developers: “Our findings suggest that users may only benefit from the design convergence between the various platforms – is still in the investigation of the university law of Minnesota – the fact that the characters are mapped and compatible on different systems does not mean that the interpretation is equally standardized. Bringing together this aesthetic might reduce the variation and break down communication contradictions. But it is true that a high level of misunderstanding also remains inside the same platforms, when people are faced with the same identical symbols. the hypothesis is that there is a sort of compromise when you are analyzing emoji gradient. compromise often leading to a wide range of interpretations wrong. “
- Topics:
- emoji
- company
- chat
- smilies
- windows
- ios
- Android
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