In a major new technology industry comes directly from Sicily . We’re talking about the new car that uses the sun’s energy to move. the new car produced entirely in Sicilia will be called Archimede Solar car 1.0 and is the first prototype created by non-profit organization, or one of the companies specializing in environmentally sustainable mobility in Sicily who has collaborated with a group of university students. the presentation took place in the lecture entitled “Solar power automotive application for sustainable mobility” which was held in the auditorium of Polo biosciences, organized by the research center Cutgana University of Catania. the car in question is absolutely electric and is presented in this way, or long 4.5 meters and completely covered with photovoltaic panels with potentially unlimited energy una’autonomia . The car was designed and built by Futurosolare non-profit organization with the support of the City of Syracuse and company Enecom Power Hf of Turin. It ‘was at the time to the first car, the prototype of the Archimedes solar car 1.0 and is going to be big news and above all much appreciated.
Speaking in these days the Prof. Lanzafame, or the full professor at the University of Etna who explained and talked about Archimede Solar car 1.0, stating : “The electric car solar energy made in Sicily, is a veritable traveling workshop on wheels. And ‘the fruit of the synergy between universities and a pool of small companies, supported by the commitment of our graduating students, showing that it is possible to achieve a new model of sustainable mobility from sharing with the territory of new energy paradigms decarbonised . “ Archimede Solar 1.0 has been built in the city of Catania, this is why in recent days also spoke at the Mayor Enzo Bianco , who has declared him to be personally but the entire city proud of the prototype made by Catania engineers. “We love hope after presenting our project to the city, it can be revolutionary. There are already several universities ready to expand, Salerno, Palermo and the University of Messina. The University of Catania has done in all respects his part “ he added the mayor Enzo Bianco.
Meanwhile, self realized already been sent to an important show to be held in the coming summer months in London but it is not excluded it can also be sent to Bologna Motor at the invitation made by two professors Emilia University. “The project is proof that it is possible to satisfy the eco desire for mobility in urban areas through the photovoltaic conversion ‘on board’ Energie electricity needed for pulling the vehicle which also reaches an unlimited autonomy through innovative recuperative braking “, has yet declared the Professor Lanzafame. Let’s say that as far as the car in question may be a novelty, we must also say that it is not the first time that university students create some interesting prototypes; In fact a few months ago, some students of the Polytechnic of Milan have created an electric car which accelerated from 0 to 100 in 1.9 seconds, setting a new world record.

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