A commitment to the future of the planet – All leaders have undertaken to remain “well below 2 degrees” temperature increase compared to the levels pre-industrial, and if possible to contain it within 1.5 degrees. Thus, the scientists say, will help avoid catastrophic consequences. To curb global warming, the road is cut greenhouse gas emissions by up to reset them by the second half of the century, giving up fossil fuels and giving momentum to renewable. After the seal placed today at the UN, each country will then have to ratify the agreement at national level. In Italy there will be the green light by the Parliament.
A tree for every Earth – The mission inaugurated by the Earth Day 2016 provides for the planting of 7.8 billion between now and 2020 when will mark the 50th anniversary of the initiative. Scientists have calculated that it takes 96 trees to absorb the carbon dioxide produced on average by only one person. The role of trees for the planet’s well-being is crucial: the forests fact they clear the air of fine dust and harmful gases, provide food, energy and income to communities and are home to approximately 80% of the terrestrial animal species.
Italy – For Earth Day awareness events are planned around the world. Even the boot lines up on the front line for the good of the planet. In Rome, the Villa Borghese, it opens the “Village Earth” with four days of events, until April 25, dedicated to the protection of the planet and solidarity. It will also be transmitted live video from the UN building in New York the signing, with a link with the minister Gian Luca Galletti.
Situated in Cefalu in Sicily, there is a four-day sports , excursions, meetings and the release of some sea turtles caretta caretta. In Naples, the Happy Earth Days (21-23 April) will be held at the Palace of Arts (Pan) on the theme “Voices of the Earth-macro and micro ecologies” with tastings, lectures, music, workshops and the involvement of universities and of local schools. On 24 April, the Park of the Po and the Turin Hill celebrates its territory statement Biosphere Reserve, while in Genoa will see the advent of the “Tiger Folk Forest”, an event in support of #TreesForEarth campaign in order to raise money for the planting of new trees in Villa Borghese.
Living a day with 10 liters of water – to live for a day with only 10 liters of water is the challenge launched by Green Cross with the charity Water for Life through the hashtag # 1dayon10liters. The goal is to raise awareness, through the example of the stars of the web, the responsible use of water. To accept the invitation a few artists, including Luca Argentero, Nancy Brilli and Samantha De Grenet: try to live for 24 hours using only 10 liters of water, one tenth of the ordinary consumption. According to statistics, in the world are 750 million people who lack access to safe drinking water.
Coldiretti: in 25 years lost 28% cultivated land – you are the last 25 years lost 28% of the cultivated land and agricultural land use has decreased to 12.8 million hectares “because of overbuilding and abandonment caused by a wrong development model”. And ‘the alarm raised by Coldiretti on the occasion of the 46th edition of Earth Day. Only a fruit plant out of three is “saved” in the last 15 years, with the loss of over 140 thousand hectares of apple trees, pears, peaches , oranges, apricots and other fruits, “which threaten to lose to Italy as the European leader in the production of one of the basic components of the Mediterranean diet.”

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