Thursday, December 31, 2015

Smog alert: a concrete solution is painting echo Airlite – Imprint Unika


Emergency pollution and alarming data on the quality of air in cities of the beautiful country are themes on the agenda: while the smog, toxic substances and particulate matter exceed standards admitted by law and are growing, the prospects for good health are disappointing and decrease drastically if we include statistics showing the relationship between air quality and quality of life. Technology enclosed in a painting, could eliminate in just 12 hours pollution of 92 cars with petrol engines and 72 cars with diesel engine € 6.

The new technology is called Airlite and represents a 100% natural solution easy and effective, not only because it promotes a radical change, not a painting, is a unique technology, but there will also field experience and laboratory data extraordinary: Airlite has the same power-cleaning of the trees. 100 square meters of Airlite have the same effect as 100 square meters of forest. A gasoline car Euro 6 (the most ecological) emits every kilometer 0.06 grams of nitrogen oxides. Nitrogen oxides are a very dangerous pollutant, both in itself and because they are responsible for the formation of fine particles and ozone. One square meter painted with Airlite is able to neutralize in 12 hours 0.059 grams of nitrogen oxides. This means that if we paint with Airlite an area roughly the size of a football field (7,200 square meters) and if we count that on average, a day, a car runs, in a large town about 12 km, we have that every day we balance ascents made by 950 cars.

But what is it? The normal paint are resinous, petroleum based, which is organic matter, in some cases potentially harmful to health. Airlite is instead free from petroleum, and is presented as a powder, which should be added the water to get an immediate paint easy to apply and looks good. Its effect is activated by light, in a process similar to the photosynthesis of plants: “Airlite uses light energy to produce ionization of the air near the surface – says Antonio Cianci, Kauffman Fellow and co-founder of the company – making it possible, to the contact of the polluted air with the surface, the transformation of the pollutants hazardous to health, including nitric oxide, in water-soluble mineral salts, the same ones that are found in mineral water, which are absolutely harmless. This technology is also applicable in offices and homes, where it allows to reduce pollution at the same, effective way. “


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