Thursday, December 10, 2015

A polar bear in Rome: Greenpeace campaign on the risks of climate change for Italy – Imprint Unika

A big white bear appeared yesterday in different places in Rome, the Janiculum to the Coliseum, Trastevere to the Vatican, to raise awareness among Italians on the risks caused by climate change. The initiative of Greenpeace was made to coincide with the decisive days of the Paris Summit, where world leaders are asked to sign an agreement that would stop the fever of the planet.

“Global warming does not put only at risk polar bears, but also the survival of millions of people, “says Luca Iacoboni, campaign manager for Greenpeace Climate and Energy. “The impacts of climate change already occurring everywhere, and Italy take the form of floods, droughts and other extreme weather events become more frequent and violent. We share the same fate of polar bears, because climate change has implications for the entire planet, our common home. “

The bear Paula – actually a theatrical costume animated by two Greenpeace activists, but very similar to a real polar bear – he appeared in several symbolic places of the capital, greeted with curiosity and often with affection by Roman citizens and tourists. It is overlooking the eternal city from the Janiculum. It was spotted along the river, not far from St. Peter. It was around among the stalls of Piazza San Cosimato, in Trastevere. It was photographed sniffing the smell of gasoline from a gas station. He reappeared in front of the Colosseum. And finally, at sunset, he tried to bring his witness to the palaces of politics, wandering restlessly in front of Palazzo Chigi.

“World leaders have a responsibility to reach an agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions and avert a climate catastrophe. The only way to succeed is to completely abandon fossil fuels by 2050 and accelerate the transition already underway towards a 100% renewable energy future. The time for ambiguity is over: even the government Renzi has to change course by ceasing to encourage old and polluting fossil fuels. It is the future of all of us. She is that the bear Paula came to tell us, “concludes Iacoboni.

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