Thursday, December 31, 2015

Airlite paint neutralizing greenhouse gases –

The last few weeks of 2015 have not been very positive in terms of the quality of air, as much smog in the cities because of domestic heating and traffic – among other things – and is not help even the rain. There is, however, ‘an Italian research that promises to counteract the smog emergency. It ‘was in fact a patented coating that promises to eliminate the problem of pollution, called Airlite.

Every day we are exposed to harmful pollutants such as exhaust fumes, industrial waste, waste plastics and other toxic materials , antibiotics are used that can cause the formation of new viruses stronger and more resistant to the immune system and the deteriorating health simply by breathing bad air.

The paint revolutionary works like this: should only be applied on buildings. The technology of Airlite is a composition of elements which, together, are able to neutralize up to 88.8% of the polluting elements present in the air. Through the energy of the light, the paint sticks pollutants transforming them into harmless minerals and neutralizing them. Painting a surface of 100 m2 with Airlite reduces air pollution like an area of ​​100 m2 covered with tall trees.

The technology is based on the mechanism of photocatalysis, a chemical phenomenon through which the speed of a chemical reaction undergoes changes for the intervention of a substance in said catalyst, that is not consumed by the proceeding of the reaction itself. Most ‘common photocatalysts are metal compounds such as TiO2, the most active and most used, ZnO, CeO2, ZrO2. Specifically of Airlite light serves as a catalyst and, once activated Airlite free oxidizing molecules that attack harmful substances in the air and turn them into harmless minerals.

How do you clean the air? Airlite, the company that gives the same name to paint, says that thanks to the effect of air circulation effect of oxidizing molecules extend to any environment surrounding. If used outside buildings, the paint helps to reduce air pollution in cities and if used within the environment in which we live makes them more hygienic and healthy.

In one year, 10,000 m2 of Airlite eliminate 251 kg of NOx, while 10,000 m2 of tall trees reduce 223 mg NOx, which is equivalent to the amount of nitrogen oxides produced from 1800 passenger cars.

Air pollution is the alteration of the natural conditions of the air, due to the emission of exhaust gases of motor vehicles, boilers, power plants, factories, incineration plants. The most widespread pollutants into the atmosphere are sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone, benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and powders lead. The problem of air pollution is mainly concentrated in metropolitan areas, where traffic, industrial plants and heating buildings have detrimental effects on air quality and health of the inhabitants. One of the most dangerous pollutants for human health and the most widespread in the cities is the PM10: a study conducted by the World Health Organization has estimated that in the great Italian centers, owing to concentrations of particulate matter above 20 mg / m3, die more than 8,000 people each year. And a major contributor to pollution from PM10 is the traffic.

Unlike traditional paintings , which are petroleum-based, Airlite is an inorganic dust . The paintings have a conventional maximum effect anti-mold, which fades over time. Airlite always work, as it uses the sun’s energy to activate the production of oxidants Airlite works similar to the process of photosynthesis in plants, used to produce oxygen. In a similar manner, the products Airlite utilize the natural properties of the titanium dioxide to produce a reaction oxidant with which are captured and destroyed the contaminants present in the air.

Titanium is the fourth most widely used metal of the world (after aluminum, iron and magnesium) and ninth element present (constituting approximately 0.63% of the earth’s crust), and belongs to the family of metal oxides and is now used in many applications, primarily as a white pigment in paints ( 51% of total production), plastics (19%) and paper (17%). Its use as a pigment has expanded in recent years in other sectors such as textiles, food processing and pharmaceuticals. It is also used as anti-reflection coating in solar cells and in many optical devices in the thin film as a gas sensor and as a biomaterial. Titanium dioxide has received much attention for its chemical stability and its total non-toxicity.

The ability to Airlite not consumed over time. The photocatalyst active and accelerates the reaction, but its particles are not directly involved, for which is not consumed in the oxidation process, which only makes use of the substances present in the air to decompose the pollutants in forms not harmful to health.


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