Saturday, December 26, 2015

Law passed, if not environmentally fines from 30 to 300 Euros – Centritalia online

 Fines salted for cigarettes and receipts on the ground

We all have to respect the environment for a better future for ourselves and our children, the approval by the House of Law green economy fine from 30 to 300 Euros who knocks down the cigarettes , handkerchiefs and receipts . We help the ‘environment using the appropriate waste containers avoiding heavy fines.

The fines provided for those who break and dirty’ s environment will be from 30 to 300 € to those who dirty the streets and cares about the environment and the cleanliness of the cities where we live. Fines that many approve and many others who do not agree. If there we keep to our planet, to our lives this law is the best way to move forward. Fines incoming if you do not protect the environment by polluting throwing cigarette butts on the ground, receipts and handkerchiefs. Environment Minister Gian Luca Galletti is satisfied that approval of the law based on the Paris agreements is a great step forward for Italy. A series of new measures regarding the green economy have been approved by the Government that, under the rules for the protection of the environment, has also introduced fines for cigarettes on the ground . So you intend to put an end to a bad habit that, especially in large cities, has reached levels really unbearable.


Environmental Connected a set of laws that have the specific aim of safeguarding the environmental resources by limiting the exploitation and fostering the green economy. The set of rules is now in its third reading in the House of Representatives and was approved with 269 votes in favor and 32 against.

But environmental protection also involves more fines for polluters. Among these they are also considered rude throwing butts cigarettes , handkerchiefs and receipts to the ground. For them, the fines will really salted with 150 Euros. But the penalties will also cover all those who throw rubbish out of facilities provided.


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