Friday, May 22, 2015

Legambiente, the need to preserve biodiversity – VEB

The man often not fully aware that his wicked actions against the environment and the ecosystem in which they live does not revolt only against himself, but also against all other living species that inhabit the world, and are likely to find themselves extinct very soon.

Hence the importance of the message that every year is launched on 22 May on the occasion of the International Day of Biodiversity: Legambiente regularly reports on the state of health of the living species, the main risk factors to which our planet is subjected to years (sources of pollution, indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources, habitat fragmentation , climate change and invasive species), and the strategies to be adopted to cope with the loss of biological diversity.

Legambiente underlines a major concern for the loss of marine and coastal biodiversity due to damage to the seabed, pollution, invasive alien species and acidification: although overfishing has decreased in the Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic Sea, remains in the Mediterranean 91 percent of stocks overexploited in 2014 only.

The tropical forests then lose 13 million hectares per year, a disaster for the balance of the atmosphere, for the pharmaceutical industry that derive from plants more than half of the active ingredients used and for about 1.6 billion people in the world that are incurred by the forest habitats of the planet, not to mention that of the coral reefs, which make it possible to live on fishing and tourism 500 million people, it is expected to total disappearance by 2050.

Better not go in Italy: according to data presented in the first barometer of biodiversity Italian, on a sample of 2,807 Italian species of sponges, corals, sharks, rays and beetles, well 596 They are at risk of extinction. In general, more than a fifth of the species is endangered.


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