Monday, May 18, 2015

Kalahari: perfect in photovoltaics is the genius of the engine Striling – aciclicoMagazine

 refresher photovoltaic south africa


Old and new come together and lead to the creation of a PV that is intended to be, in all likelihood, the device more efficient in the world and perfectly in great to produce large quantities of energy with extremely low emissions of carbon dioxide. The new system has been entirely designed and progetatto from ‘ company svedesa Ripasso and has been installed in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa.


The disolocazione of the new plant is not causal since the Swedish company’s goal was clearly to have to have plenty of sunshine available. For now, South Africa is around the plant is used for purely military purposes. The size of the two parables that collect the incoming energy from the sun is not huge. The two spectra circular, in fact, have a diameter of 12 meters. A real world record.


But to make this system as efficient as they are not clearly only the size. If creating Ripasso is destined to be the best central fotovoltaiaca the world is due to the perfect combination of traditional engineering aspects of energy and elements that date back to the dawn of time, as the combustion generated by engine Striling . The path to energy is therefore very simple: the ghosts catch the sun which is then converted into heat energy from the engine that has centuries of history. A simple idea but above all reproducible in all those areas with a high presence of sun. A device that, certainly, will now go through a number of improvements to make it even more efficient than the current rate of energy conversion which is equal to 35%, a record. The solution to transform solar energy is so full of a combination between the old and the new, en balance can lead to a green energy thus reducing pollution and surriscandamento planetarium. Decades later Striling we thought Scandinavians of Ripasso.



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