Thursday, July 9, 2015

Hacking Team, the alarm: “We have lost control of who uses … – The Messenger

There was also Aise, the external intelligence service, among customers Hacking Team, the Milan-based company three days ago attacked by hackers who put on line 400 gigabytes of data. “We lost the ability to control – the alarm is given by the group – those who use our technology. Terrorists, extortionists and others can implement it at will. ”

on the attack has opened an investigation into the prosecutor in Milan and today there was an inspection at the site by the Supervisor of privacy and postal police. While Wikileaks has published more than one million business email stolen, from which it appears that among the clients there are also Italian Police, the Carabinieri of the ROS and the Financial Police. “The lethal weapon” sold hacking Team AISE, as governments around the globe, is a spy software (“Remote control system”) called Galileo which infiltrates invisibly on a computer or mobile phone snatching all information passing from the device.

Following the theft the company invited all its customers to stop using the software. “ We believe – says HT – is an extremely dangerous situation, it is now evident that there is a serious threat. Before the attack we could not control who had access to our technology. Now, because of the work of criminals, we have lost the ability to control who uses the .

The director of Dis, Giampiero Massolo, was called with Copasir urgency to report to the consequences of the theft to the intelligence. Massolo, it turns out, has reconstructed the controversial history of the company which, according to some allegations, sold its “malware” even in non-democratic states, from Ethiopia to Sudan, who may have used the technology to hit dissidents. Even the Aise, informed Massolo, took the software for its institutional activities, “ in a perfectly lawful .

He stopped use it as soon as the news spread of the theft three days ago. Now checks are being conducted to assess whether the data of our intelligence have been hacked. The first monitoring are however negative and countermeasures were immediately taken to increase security by updating firewalls and antivirus. Apparently, there would be no risk that someone can access the information generated through the use of the program by the Agency by the codes of access to the stolen Hacking Team. At most hackers could find administrative data, invoices, contracts for the purchase of the service of society. But the controls are continuing and the results will be announced in the coming days to Copasir. References AISE also emerge from corporate email networked by Wikileaks.

In particular, on February 24, in an exchange between two persons of the company is said that the director AISE, Alberto Manenti, “led the Minister to our stand”. The reference is to the visit of the Minister of Defense, Roberta Pinotti, the Exhibition IDEX 2015, the arms fair held in Abu Dhabi. On the issue they want to see clearly the deputies M5S who tabled a question to the Ministers of Economic Development and the Interior asking for full light and stressing that “ the supply of computer surveillance systems to undemocratic regimes is no less serious than the supply war materials or tools to crack down on major civil liberties in many countries around the world .

The point is not expressed Erik Rabe, head of communications of the company. “ Do not say – he explained – the names of our clients and where they are located, we sell only to governments and government agencies, there are private customers. Of course now what has been stolen is available to all .

             Thursday, July 9, 2015, 21:23 – Last Updated: 21:55


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