ROME – The institutions are beginning to react to the massive computer intrusion suffered by Hacking Team, the software firm surveillance over under fire globally for the prosecution, apparently confirmed by the leaked documents on the network, of sell its products of lawful interception in dictatorial regimes that would use to monitor human rights activists, dissidents and journalists. It appears to the Republic, in fact, there is an ongoing inspection of the Privacy, along with the Postal Police, at the Milan offices of the company.
The Guarantor confirmation, but would not comment further, intending to disclose at this delicate stage of investigation. This suggests, however, regard the many profiles critics raised by the mammoth task of hacking – at least 400 gigabytes of material taken – suffered by Hacking Team. First of all, to clarify how it was in progress: according to Eric Rabe, the company spokesman interviewed by Republic in the past few hours, perhaps from June; according to other sources, from long before. But also what and how data was collected exactly, and above all what are the concrete risk profiles for those affected.
As written by Matthew Flora in his blog, for example, targets of investigations by products of Hacking Team, whose code is in the public domain in the network, they are “potentially become public” in turn. Which means, says the hacker and founder of the company reputation management ‘The Fool’, “that someone could have had access to the list of targets, the history of wiretapping and documents intercepted (phone calls, audio, chat, email, messages , photographs …) from persons subject to control by the bodies of investigation “.
If between clients include the Italian services, continues Flora, we understand that even the security of our intelligence could be at risk . No coincidence that the director of the Department of information security, Giampiero Massolo, reported this morning at Copasir that “we are under investigation on the impact of the attack suffered by Hacking Team on the software used by the Italian secret services. The risk is in fact that of our intelligence data have been hacked “.
Even Hacking Team itself, in his only statement published following the intrusion, spoke of a” huge danger “arising from the fact that the indiscriminate publication of all its material on the network has put the powerful means of the company in the hands of “terrorists, racketeers” and other criminals.
According to the security expert Pedro Vilarca, interviewed by Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai on Motherboard, however, is merely “PR bullshit”; translated, nonsense used for management purposes communicative scandal. For the bad guys, he said, “there are tons of other tools already available.” And the Moreover, the fact that spyware Hacking Team is now available in light means that the antivirus companies can upgrade their software to recognize them, and neutralize them.
Finally, it could also be an attempt to distract attention from the content of the material taken, who continue to enrich themselves instead of by the hour. An analysis of the emails leaked conducted by ‘The Intercept’, it emerges that the products of Hacking Team would be brought in demonstration also paramilitary security agency of Bangladesh, “known for torture and extrajudicial killings,” said the newspaper of Gleen Greenwald, and also two official spies of the dictatorial regime of Belarus. “I do not think the company will survive,” predicts cybersecurity guru Bruce Schneier.

guarantor privacy
police post
hacking team