Friday, July 10, 2015

Hacking Team attached, is panic. “Terrorists and criminals can … – The Day

Milan, July 10, 2015 – Identity digital steal in part, in the game there might be some embarrassment International , as well as sensitive data – suspects, judicial inquiries, reports of 007 – violated. bomb, or bombs, a delayed effect. Intelligent spaccamattoni against the company with the name Hacking Team , all’hackeraggio makes overt reference. His spy software sold in government around the world as an unhinged can of anchovies. And that makes the Hacking Team David Vincenzetti, home via Moscow to Milan , in his team nerds more experienced and sophisticated (that remain in the shadows as role)? Admits the charge, we cry on him, it does not diminish (also to protect themselves under the following legal terms). And three days of the attack on 6 July to its wall, with the publication of Twitter’s 400 gigabytes of data, s emina panic: “Before the attack could not control who had access to our technology . Now, because of the work of criminals, we have lost the ability to control who uses it . Terrorists, extortionists and others can implement the software at will. “

The official statement. “We are considering whether it is possible to contain the damage , our engineers work at a fast pace to update Remote Control System that allows customers to obtain information and intelligence on criminals. Our customers have suspended the use of this system has been compromised by the attack. It is an important step to protect information and investigative police. ” What’s more, we think Wikileaks , not to make concessions, with the publication on its website of one million corporate email stolen from HT : “These email – explains that ricorando Hacking Team had come under the scrutiny in the past with the SpyFiles – show the inner workings of the controversial company surveillance world. “

And the work of the Prosecutor’s Office, which for days has opened an investigation to unauthorized access to computer system , seems to gain: the deputy prosecutor of counterterrorism (and crimes) Maurizio Romanelli must go back to the mode of ‘ attack and circumscribe the damage, but has not yet received the report from Hacking Team sull’assalto hacker. On the basis of information provided by the company, mode and extent of the intrusion of email and documents will also be certain offenses violated related damage and theft of confidential material. Ex post, now the horse has bolted, The barn is open. But the attack did not seem committed in ways typical of hacker attacks ‘pure’ type Anonymous, although HT had already been targeted in November 2013 by a group of antagonists.

“Whoever made this theft is not an amateur – raises the manager Erik Rabe behalf of the company -. Foreign governments may have the ability to carry out a similar operation, but we do not understand why. Terrorists and criminal organizations have instead all the convenience and are the authors most likely ‘. In groped to dampen the institutions are affected: the Aise states that are not stolen for his relevant data. And the director of Dis, Giampiero Massolo, the attack Hacking Team ‘does not constitute a risk to sensitive information in the possession of our intelligence: the only potential dangers regarding administrative and accounting data. “


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