Thursday, February 18, 2016

Google sided with Apple: ‘Dangerous compromise the privacy of users’ – Corriere della Sera

Milan , February 18, 2016 – 10:08

Google sided with Apple. Indeed, it sided with Apple again. Mountain View has decided to follow the example of Cupertino in 2014, when he made automatic impenetrability of Android, present from three years earlier but only in optional form. Now Sundar Pichai, CEO of the giant California part of Alphabet, has publicly expressed his support for the position of number one of Apple Tim Cook (read the open letter to Cook). “Forcing companies to enable the hacking may compromise the privacy of users,” he wrote the Indian manager in the first five tweets. The reference is to the order of a US federal judge (text here) to allow the investigators to force the aggressor iPhone San Bernardino, Syed Farook.

“a worrying precedent”

“We know that the law enforcement agency and intelligence agencies face significant challenges in protecting people against crime and terrorism, “he said, stressing that access be granted” to the data on the basis of existing laws, “but as it is something very different from the entrance forced into the devices. “It would be a worrying precedent.” In his letter, Cook called it “appalling” the “possible consequences of the US government’s request.”

A political issue

Pichai, which since its has a market share considerably more substantial than that of Apple (Android runs more than 80% of smartphones in circulation, iOs about 14), concluded with the hope the continuation of a discussion ‘attention and openness “on the topic , confirming that the debate about privacy and security is intended to take increasingly important proportions. And to influence the political.

The public-private debate

not surprisingly, the aspiring Republican candidate to run for the White House Donald Trump has already told her to Fox News . “Who do they think they?” He asked, referring to Apple. Meanwhile, Barack Obama has put his former right hand of Homeland Security Tom Donilon and former CEO of IBM Sam Palmisano at the head of a new commission for cybersecurity. The issue of security, and thus privacy is high on the list of priorities (even within our borders), with all the doubts raised prematurely by Edward Snowden and the current US administration has, however, already given to legislate on access to devices by security forces. It is on this aspect that focus the intervention skeptical of Cook, concerned that the predominant role that private companies are hiring in the defense of citizens’ data makes the most important marketing safety. And the common axis which is almost all of the market is inevitably an additional source of headaches. According to the portal founded by Glenn Greenwald, author of the scoop that brought to light the stolen documents to the US government by Snowden, The Intercept support (private) gave Cook is not only necessary but is not sufficient : Pichai the tweet, but also those of Mark Surman of the Mozilla or the intervention of the founder of WhatsApp Jan Koum, can not be considered a desirable alternative to taking the entire Silicon Valley stance against the possibility of putting the data of all the mercy of governments to carry out checks on only a few.

Doors and locks

Why, thus forcing a hypothetical locks companies unlock the doors of all homes (pretending that we can as with the software and in the knowledge that will soon be possible with the Internet of Things) to raid only in one? And, more importantly, who should have the power of decision on the inviolability of the locks? The company that produces or the government of the country where there are doors and houses?

February 18, 2016 (amendment February 18, 2016 | 18:44)



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