Thursday, February 25, 2016

Facebook, not only “like”: come the buttons with the “smileys” for all situations – Rai News

Not only like. Facebook came the “reactions”, five new ways to express itself in addition to the usual “I love it.” The like button is, and you will still be able to express their appreciation in a generic way. But, if a like that was not enough, from now you can choose to say: love, haha, wow, sigh and grr, all thanks to five different emoticons. The decision by Facebook to give one more chance of like was long overdue and already last year were rumors about a possible impending change. “Not all the moments that we want to share are happy. Sometimes we want to share a sad thing, or depressing,” he wrote on Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, explaining that users of social networks “do not like asking for the key to be years,” but that from the beginning the idea to add it was discarded to avoid spreading negativity in the company and to inhibit communication, when on the contrary the goal of Facebook is to ensure that its 1.6 billion users, in addition to continue to grow, they are increasingly present and active on the social network.

Zuckerberg already last year had asked his team to work on something that would go to complete your “like”, which for some post It appeared inappropriate. The story of injustice or pain suffered are not things that can please and to be able to resort to a tear, a face red with anger or amazement draws you out of trouble. but also from having to write a sentence understanding and support: just touch the face
right to feel that he had communicated our proximity.

the new emoji – Love, Haha, wow, Sigh and Grr – appear if you hold down the button ‘I like’ mobile or you hover the mouse pointer from the computer, and are animated. The heart of Love, for example, beats, and even the thumb has been redesigned. Facebook will keep track of how many and which totalizziamo reactions with the post: the photo of our cat, which so far has gathered like, probably cash out some little heart, whose exact number will be reported in the counter.


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