Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Facebook come the reactions will change as online marketing – Tech Fanpage

If you have reached this entry through the famous search engine, there are probably already noticed yourself: Facebook has introduced in Italy the so-called Reactions, six symbols in emoji style to allow the user to express their feeling under each post, adding five possible alternatives to the classic and now distinctive blue pollicione. The option, already introduced in other countries like Spain and Ireland last autumn, has landed now also in Italy. To use them simply to stop the cursor over the “Like” button to enable the menu to open, from which you can choose our emotional reaction to the post from six possible reactions / emoticons, ironically renamed Likes, Love, Haha, Wow, Sigh and Grr. Under each post then you will see the summary of the various reactions selected by users.

It is the same Mark Zuckerberg, in a post on the company, to break the news:

not all are happy moments to share. Sometimes you want to share something sad or frustrating. Our community has asked for years a button “I do not like”, but not because they want to say to friends who do not appreciate their post. People want to express empathy and comfort by sharing a wide range of emotions.
I spent much time thinking about the right way to achieve this with our team. One of my goals was to make it as simple as pressing the “I like it.”
Needed results are the Reactions, which allow everyone to express love, laughter, surprise, sadness or anger.
Love is the the most popular response now, which makes me happy!

“We understand that this is a big change” , explain from Menlo Park, “and we are very careful how this launch. for over a year we conducted at the international level focus groups and interviews to understand what types of reactions people would like to express the most. we also studied the ways in which people today are expressing their reactions to the stories shared on Facebook through comments, stickers and emoticons. We also tested reactions in some markets over the last year, and received positive feedback. We will continue to deepen and to listen to the feedback of persons to ensure useful and enjoyable experience around the world “. To identify which emoticons include the research group in Menlo Park started from 15 possibilities, of which there were only 6, selected according to advice from users who have tried the new preview.

in addition to changing the mode of use of the social networks by users, this change allows advertisers possibility of segmentation of previously unimaginable. Facebook has in fact most of its gain from selling information to marketing companies about our tastes, our passions. Every time we put a “Like” or comment on a news story, we ensure that our opinions are analyzed to provide an estimate as accurate as possible of users of social interests.
Let us now imagine that possibility is would open up this market from the moment the user will have the ability to specify his emotional reaction to a specific product, a news story or a news item.

“to date there was only one way to express your feelings about the contents of Facebook, “says Jason Klein, CEO of ListenFirst, data analysis company. “The Reactions have the potential to do so much better.”
Listenfirst has provided for years in Facebook sentiment-analysis services, able to analyze the words in the comments to understand the emotional state of the user. These reading systems are obviously not perfect, as it is complicated to understand human language by using computers, while it is much simpler to base the analysis on the choice of a button on which the user can click.


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