Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Today is Mobilegeddon Google. In Italy, almost no one is ready … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published April 20, 2015 at 14:10.
The last change is the April 21, 2015 at 09:34.

Experts seo, or the set of techniques to improve the visibility of sites on the engines Search, call Mobilegeddon. The date is today, April 21. The event is the first change in the algorithm of Google officially announced by the company (usually Google changes without telling, and the activity is recorded by the experts in the following days).

The reason is looked forward to it because the new algorithm will make sure to highlight those with the mobile version of a site to the detriment of those who have only the desktop version, and so on cell loses in speed of loading and usability. In announcing the February Google says the changes will have a “significant impact” on the results of a search. “We observed a high activity already in the last two weeks, a kind of preparatory phase of the search engine what materializes from tomorrow – explains Ale Agostini, administrator Bruce Clay Europe and expert in online search -. As seen so far, we can say that there will be impacts on performance on the desktop. In practice, the new algorithm sovrarappresenterà than today the goodness of the online version. The first data to assess the actual results we have them Friday, with a search that will look at hundreds of sites. “

Google has made available a tool, at this address, to see if a site is ready or not for mobile, and if, therefore, has to worry about whether or not the new algorithm. Occurs easily that the Italian sites that will have to run for cover are not few. Governo.it, for example, is not be appropriate because “the text is too small to read, the links are too close to each other and the area visible on mobile devices is not set,” says Google. Looking to the Old Continent, the European Union, which has targeted because Google would favor its services to the detriment of competition will be penalized for the same reasons as the site of the Italian government. The same applies to the European Central Bank.

Back to us, the site INPS is ready, as well as mobile versions of Intesa Sanpaolo and Unicredit. If you pass the examination of smaller banks, such as Credem, the site is returned. Financial institutions typically have an app store for digital iOS, Android or Windows, but the mobile site has comuque its usefulness when Google searches on smartphones and tablets are growing rapidly.

The Inland Revenue does not have a mobile version optimized properly, the same applies to the Italian Stock Exchange. “Our analysis shows that about 65% of companies in the FTSE MIB are not ready, but 8 out of 10 universities will have to renew their portals to not lose positions,” concludes Agostini.



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